Hi, I've not been on this site for a very long time and I"m trying to find the appropriate threads to answer my questions. What are the latest restrictions on entering BVIs and is their a reasonable ETA for re-opening BEYC? Thanks!
The above report says it was updated December 15. I was told by a few residents that the ports will be re-opened January 28,2021 I don’t have any way to confirm it but I figured it’s best to pass it on.
New date they are shooting for is December 15th. They have brought on a lot of staff who will be starting November 15th and rumblings are that with all the staff coming on they will be opening one way or another on December 15th.
The will for sure have the Marina and moorings available. Watersports in some capacity (I know they have ordered 8-10 Hobies already). I'm sure at least one bar and restaurant. No idea if everything will be open by then but SOMETHING should be!