I know this was asked before, but my crew has questions!
We are flying from Atlanta to STT Wednesday, it is my understanding that because we are coming from the states we do not have to do the USVI Portal on the way down, just coming back from the BVI.
Is this correct?
Probably more questions to come, thanks everyone, it’s anxiety time!
You can use your same testing results for St. Thomas that you are using for the BVI as long as they both are within the 5 day window of arrival. Assuming that if you are arriving on Wednesday that you will test on Friday or Saturday (I would do Saturday because I like to have a buffer day in case there are any flight delays.). Once you get your results, go onto the travel portal: https://www.usvitravelportal.com/ and fill out the application. Make sure to take a screenshot of your tracking ID. You should immediately get an email verifying your submission. If you don't get an email it might have gone to junk mail or you put in your email address wrong. This is where knowing that tracking ID number comes in handy. Go to: https://www.usvitravelportal.com/tracking-application and put in your information. It will then give you the status of your application which since it is so early on in the process will most likely be pending. It takes anywhere from 15 minutes to 3 days to get your approval back but it is a pretty easy system.
Maybe more information than you were looking for but figured it is better to be informed and learn from other's mistakes than have to figure it out yourselves.
I thought I read where entering t St. Thomas a US territory from the USA ,The USVI portal is not necessary. Coming from BVI to USVI portal is required.Am I wrong? Thanks
Every traveler aged five or older who enters the U.S. Virgin Islands by air or sea, including anyone in-transit to another destination, is required to use the USVI Travel Screening Portal and receive travel clearance (email with green QR code) before travel to the Territory.
Confusion could be that there is an initial pop up on the portal site that says IF you are fully vaccinated in the USVI, and IF they can verify the vaccination in the Department of Health database, and IF you are traveling from the continental US to the USVI, you MAY be eligible for an exemption to the requirement of testing negative - something along those lines.
Guessing it doesn't apply to most of us here. Plan on getting the test!
Peter s/y Time Will Tell (2019 Lagoon 42) peter@syTimeWillTell.com
From the US territory (USVI) to the mainland USA there is no test requirement (unless levied by your state and I don't believe any are doing that at this time).
Traveling to the US territory (USVI) from the mainland USA there is a test (and portal) requirement. This is required even if you are just connecting in the USVI to fly elsewhere.
Traveling to the US territory (USVI) from the BVI there is a test (and portal) requirement. USVI regulations apply to entry by sea, CDC regulations apply to entry by air. The difference is the number of days prior to travel that you can take your test (5 days if by sea, 3 days if by air).
IF you are fully vaccinated in the USVI, and IF they can verify the vaccination in the Department of Health database, and IF you are traveling from the continental US to the USVI, you MAY be eligible for an exemption to the requirement of testing negative - something along those lines.
Do you know if this scenario has any time qualifications similar to the 5 day covid test, or does it cover a person on multiple trips? These IF's do apply to us and it would be nice to lose the covid test. Thanks.
I see no mention of any timing requirement other than having passed the "two-week immunity building period". That is described here: https://usviupdate.com/
IF you are fully vaccinated in the USVI, and IF they can verify the vaccination in the Department of Health database, and IF you are traveling from the continental US to the USVI, you MAY be eligible for an exemption to the requirement of testing negative - something along those lines.
Do you know if this scenario has any time qualifications similar to the 5 day covid test, or does it cover a person on multiple trips? These IF's do apply to us and it would be nice to lose the covid test. Thanks.
It's a permanent perk for people who received their vaccinations in the USVI. I don't expect it to change until the next significant outbreak.
So glad I have found this forum! I have been to BVI multiple times over the years but this whole Covid travel has blown what is left of my mind on getting around. Our itinerary is to fly into SST then water taxi to Tortola to get our testing ( I learned this this morning...we have to also register on the USVI portal in addition to the BVI portal..negative covid test <5 days prior to arrival) before going on to Yost (staying at White Bay Villas).
The part that is now uncertain to me is on the return from Yost via Tortola and back to USVI do we need to get re-tested and upload to the USVI portal? We will arrive 10/30 and return on 11/5 so if that is the case we would need to travel for a day trip to get tested on Tortola so I can upload to the USVI portal (No testing on Yost as far as I can find)? I think there is no testing requirement to leave BVI so would only be for USVI?
Sorry if this was a complicated description but thanks for sticking with me
Yes, you will need to retest and fill out the USVI portal again. There is testing on Jost Van Dyke and you can arrange once you arrive. Your host on Jost (see what I did there) can help you with the current details. Your test must be taken 3 days in advance if you are flying and 5 days if you are ferrying back.
The 48 hour rule was changed a few weeks ago (see attached from 4 October).
Just to clarify, you don't need to fill out the BVI Gateway any longer. You fill out the health portal to pre-register for your arrival test here.
Last edited by JasonHelmbrecht; 10/20/202102:14 PM.
That is awesome news to know we can get tested on JVD! Thanks so much I am sure I will have more questions. Looking forward to getting there and enjoying the beautiful island and friendly people.
Are you headed to JVD? I found this out..."If you are traveling back to the USVI, even if you are just passing through to get home, you will have to apply for travel authorization once more and test within 48 hours of travel. Testing is available on Jost Van Dyke at the clinic in Great Harbor for $70. Please visit the USVI Travel Portal for updated requirements."
Are you headed to JVD? I found this out..."If you are traveling back to the USVI, even if you are just passing through to get home, you will have to apply for travel authorization once more and test within 48 hours of travel. Testing is available on Jost Van Dyke at the clinic in Great Harbor for $70. Please visit the USVI Travel Portal for updated requirements."
Good luck and enjoy!
You have to test within 5 days if arriving by water or 3 days if arriving by air.
We arrive on the 30th so that work's perfectly though will be a little worn out from all the travel - thanks for letting me know so I don't show up the day after the party!