It has been pre COVID (May 2019) since our last visit, but we stayed at Sleepn' Atocha. Funky hotel near the Prado and about a 12 block walk to Plaza Mayor. It is also very close to the rail station (Atocha). If you stay downtown recommend you get tickets back to airport the day before your flight. This rail station gets real busy. Or you can get a taxi - $$$
Also remember when you arrive the hotel room may not be available until 3 pm... or so
However, if you are just there for a day after travelling the night before, I would look at the Marriott by the Airport. A beautiful facility, with a great pool and restaurants and bars. Great place to kill a day and rest up for your adventure. Best of all they have a shuttle to the airport. Yes, it does not have the charm of downtown, but it sure makes an "Easy Button" out of your short stay. The Marriott has a plethora of rooms and I am sure one will be available.
Madrid airport is huge and the last time we did it (before COVID) it was 2 hrs and 15 minutes from the hotel shuttle to arriving at our gate. Lots of Walking! So if you have a noon flight and our downtown not sure what time you would have to leave.
Let us know what you decide
Last edited by TomB; 09/15/202110:19 AM.
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
Hi Tom, done a lot of research and it's beginning to look like we won't be able to leave the international section of the airport! We leave in 9 days so still have a little time to research some more. Where are you heading to?
We are doing a Transatlantic Cruise. Never one for cruise ships, but have always want to cross the Atlantic. So we have 2 ports in Italy, 1 in France, 4 in Spain, Madeira, and the Azores. 15 days later we arrive in NYC
So far are only restrictions are in Italy where you are forced to do a ship excursion if you are from the USA. Everywhere else Americans can walk off the boat. There are no restrictions on EU citizens or Canadians in Europe.
56 days... but who is counting
btw... Gulf Shores and Dauphin Island were my stomping grounds in the early 70s. Some of the prettiest beaches in the US
Last edited by TomB; 09/25/202109:00 PM.
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
We are doing a Transatlantic Cruise. Never one for cruise ships, but have always want to cross the Atlantic. So we have 2 ports in Italy, 1 in France, 4 in Spain, Madeira, and the Azores. 15 days later we arrive in NYC
So far are only restrictions are in Italy where you are forced to do a ship excursion if you are from the USA. Everywhere else Americans can walk off the boat. There are no restrictions on EU citizens or Canadians in Europe.
56 days... but who is counting
btw... Gulf Shores and Dauphin Island were my stomping grounds in the early 70s. Some of the prettiest beaches in the US
Are you going on a Clipper or a conventional ship Tom?
That's so cool, Tom! Hope you do a trip report!! Would love to hear all about it. Looking forward to hearing your answers to Mike's question - hi Mike!! I would give anything to have seen Gulf Shores in the 70's - it's still a small town but lots of high rises. I live way down at the end of the Fort Morgan peninsula, just a few miles east of where the ferry leaves for Dauphin Island, so not so developed down here, but still lots of visitors in the summer.
Oh how I wish it was on a clipper... or maybe not.
Back in 2011 my son crossed over to Germany and Back on the Eagle (Link: USCG Barque Eagle ). They got caught in a pretty nasty storm in the North Atlantic, and I think that is why the cruise ship just made more sense to my wife and I. Our son had a few photos that got published from that trip. There is an article Sea History Magazine about the crossing. Link: Crossing the Pond Article starts on page 20.
Yep it is one of the floating cites called a cruise ship. We went on a cruise over 20 years ago and thought we would never do it again, but a Transatlantic has always been on my bucket list. So my beautiful bride agreed, and two other couples joined in for the trip. Now it appears it is going to be real. Four stops in Spain, Barcelona, Cartagena, Malaga, and Cádiz. Also stops in Cannes, Madeira, and the Azores.
Last edited by TomB; 09/26/202110:47 AM. Reason: add pics
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
Oh how I wish it was on a clipper... or maybe not.
Back in 2011 my son crossed over to Germany and Back on the Eagle (Link: USCG Barque Eagle ). They got caught in a pretty nasty storm in the North Atlantic, and I think that is why the cruise ship just made more sense to my wife and I. Our son had a few photos that got published from that trip. There is an article Sea History Magazine about the crossing. Link: Crossing the Pond Article starts on page 20.
Yep it is one of the floating cites called a cruise ship. We went on a cruise over 20 years ago and thought we would never do it again, but a Transatlantic has always been on my bucket list. So my beautiful bride agreed, and two other couples joined in for the trip. Now it appears it is going to be real. Four stops in Spain, Barcelona, Cartagena, Malaga, and Cádiz. Also stops in Cannes, Madeira, and the Azores.
The Eagle wasn't quite what I had in mind. Something a bit more like this is what I was thinking Tom... Star Clippers Linda... How long you in Spain? We head out there 20th October until 20th November. Would be great to see you again.
Mike my sweetie would say they look a lot alike Got Sails - Got a Motor Not big enough
She loves sailing in the BVI Big boat across pond is required
I know the problem well Tom. When I first crossed an ocean on my own boat, in 2002, there was no way my wife would accompany me. Had to get a crew of men . Eight years later she was up for a circumnavigation on a 44ft catamaran but it was a long process getting there.
Thanks! He is doing well at the grand young age of 87!! Haven't seen him in two years because of stupid you know what. Much love to you and Jean, good to be back in touch. Enjoy your time in Spain! xoxoxo