The Dutch side of the island (Sint Maarten) is behind such places as the Cayman Islands and Aruba, but ahead of the French side and many other countries, both in the Caribbean and elsewhere. So overall they are doing OK...not great, but OK. Would I like to see the numbers higher? Absolutely...and certainly it would be nice before our 5-week stay starting in mid-January.
Part of the problem seems to be a level of distrust of the vaccine amongst a significant portion of the population. I don't know how we overcome that. I do find it interesting that those above me that are sharing their disappointment are Americans. Might I respectfully suggest your comments could be equally made about the USA for many of the same reasons?
The percentage of the total population vaccinated in the USA is virtually tied with Dutch St. Maarten, according to the attached chart. Seems a bit like the pot calling the kettle black?
The thread stated that SXM was lowest in the Caribbean....that is true. Comparison with other poorly vaccinated countries outside the Caribbean was not the point. Other countries (USA) have their own leaders, both political and otherwise, to equally hold responsible
I had no problem with Carol's original post or thread title. Just to be clear, the thread title and the article ONLY refer to the DUTCH Caribbean, not that Sint Maarten has the lowest rates in the Caribbean, as you stated. It doesn't. Let's at least try to be accurate.
The Dutch-side needs to push the people to get vaccinated. The use of incentives like 100 dollars to get the jab or free lottery tickets would get St. Maarten up to speed. Where I live 85% of the population is vaccinated and proudly my state is open and a thriving tourist area. I went to a free concert and it was awesome seeing people having fun and living again.
i don't know what it takes for people to wake up, and think of others. I am afraid if the people on the island don't cooperate with getting vaccinated, it will stop the flow of tourists coming to the ''friendly'' island. Thank God, we are all able to help with this pandemic, unless the selfish choose not to.
The Dutch side of the island (Sint Maarten) is behind such places as the Cayman Islands and Aruba, but ahead of the French side and many other countries, both in the Caribbean and elsewhere. So overall they are doing OK...not great, but OK. Would I like to see the numbers higher? Absolutely...and certainly it would be nice before our 5-week stay starting in mid-January.
Part of the problem seems to be a level of distrust of the vaccine amongst a significant portion of the population. I don't know how we overcome that. I do find it interesting that those above me that are sharing their disappointment are Americans. Might I respectfully suggest your comments could be equally made about the USA for many of the same reasons?
The percentage of the total population vaccinated in the USA is virtually tied with Dutch St. Maarten, according to the attached chart. Seems a bit like the pot calling the kettle black?
Nice....that's where data is misleading....vaccinations percentage by population (70.8 one dose...63.2 fully vac'ed in Nassau County) relates to TOTAL population...not those eligible to be vaccinated.
Serious question. If 100% were vaccinated, yet covid can still be caught and transmitted to others by those vaccinated, what difference does it make relative to 50 % being vaccinated?
2fingers--if you have listened to any real information about Covid, you would know that people who are vaccinated have an extremely SMALL incidence of severe disease, versus the unvaccinated.
Carol, I agree with you. If you are vaccinated, carry on knowing that the vaccine appears to minimize the level of severe cases.
But weather or not someone else is vaccinated (40% vs 100% of sxm) really has no impact on the vaccinated tourist, as both vaccinated and unvaccinated can pass on covid.
Sorry, I don't believe that's true. The level of vaccination in the general population continues the cycle of re-infection, and allows the virus to mutate..
Actually, that is not true. It has to do with the statistics of probability. If I am fully vaccinated, I have maybe a 5 to 10% chance of developing covid and if I do, it likely will be a mild case (statistically speaking). If 100% of the St. Maarten population is vaccinated, based on the above, less of them are likely to develop covid and therefore be able to pass it on to me. It has to do with diminishing probability.
I disagree with you. The more unvaccinatred on the island makes it more likely they will pass it on to some unexpecting tourist which will end up testing positive for their return home. We were lucky in May we had negative tests for our return home after being on island for 4 weeks.
I agree with Carol, CaribLee and Scubaman on this. The more that are vaccinated, the less likely the virus will spread. While there is some indication that those fully-vaccinated can potentially become asymptomatic carriers of the virus, it so far appears to be relatively rare. If you do catch it and become ill, the statistics also seem to show that the impact on the individual who is fully-vaccinated will be less severe or minimal.
It is imperative, IMO, that more islanders become vaccinated. It is not just to protect themselves, but also to create an atmosphere of "safety and concern" for the well-being of visitors to the island. Not all visitors (nor islanders) may care, but many do. Without visitors the island's economy would tank. That is the best argument IMO, at least in terms of self-interest, for getting vaccinated.
Also, when vaccinations are only at 50% there is more spread of the virus, which allows it to mutate much more easily. The current Delta variant is a good example of that. Most experts think that "herd immunity" is reached when the percentage of fully-vaccinated reaches around 80% to 85% or more. The ability of the virus to spread at that point becomes more difficult, at least in theory.
Here in the NYC area, they had and have mobile units going out into the inner cities. People got vaccinated, education was brought forth!! I've said this on other social media platforms, get out into the streets. There are some that don't have the wear with all to travel to a clinic. Education and the vaccines need to go MOBILE!!