In the Blue Ridge Mountains of NC on a family getaway. A little rain yesterday allowed me time to get another day done. Grandchildren can keep you pretty busy.
As usual, loving the photos and the story. Where in the Blue Ridge were you? The NC mountains are the one thing we will miss moving back to FL but I'm sure there will be trips back in the future. Also, congrats on working on that fear of heights. Little by little.
OK, the Grandfather mountain came up after I wrote my post.
Last edited by Fran; 07/28/202102:34 PM.
[color:"red"]FRAN[/color] "Yes I am a pirate, 200 years too late"
Fran--not so much to tell, other than being literally FROZEN in terror in the cable car, holding on to the pole, hiding my face against Eric as the death machine climbed up to the mountain summit. When I finally reached the top, thank god, I thought about walking back down, since I can't ski... Eventually took the death machine back down and vowed I would never see the inside of a cable car again.. That's 'only' been about thirty years ago and so far, I have kept that promise..
Haha, not laughing at you, honest. I can fully understand fear like that and feel your pain. That's how I feel when I get into water over my head without flotation aids. Love being on the water and I love snorkeling but I will never be a free swimmer and you'll never climb mountains. We're all different. Maybe get to see you and Eric again sometime when we're back down there. Someday a TTOL party like we used to see.
[color:"red"]FRAN[/color] "Yes I am a pirate, 200 years too late"
Not sure I am working on it - I am more trying to ignore it so my grandson will not have the same fear. He was the one behind me. Janet snapped the pic and then grabbed his hand to cross. Me... it was eyes straight do not stop and pass anyone who is stopped looking over the side.
Check - the mile high bridge has been done and I am pretty sure it will not ever happen again.
Enough on blue ridge and fears....
It was a really cool train ride. through the Verde Valley
Last edited by TomB; 07/28/202105:44 PM.
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
Hey Tom, we were there a couple years ago, love that area. Need more info on "stepping" on those guess is that they were trying to make it bounce?! :-)
Beerman - You would be correct! A mother was trying to heard 3 boys (my guess 8-10) at the 1 mile high mark on the bridge for a picture.
They wanted to jump and not stand still. I waited for about 3 seconds for mom to get control of the situation. She was unsuccessful - so I put on my Jim Brown mantra and just ran them over.
Never mess with someone who is motivated by fear. When mom says stop - you stop - if not - big Tom will step on you.
And I crossed the bridge.
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
On my computer with no pictures yet... Promise today or tomorrow... I have when life gets in the way. Hottest day of the year and 2 to 3 hours of grass cutting. So glad I got half of it done yesterday
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
Ok... those who are still following along let's Belly Up to Bar and bring this rodeo to an end. Thank you for being patient as I struggle to find the time to end this. Who said when you retire you have lots of free time.
Tom--I am embarrassed to report that I haven't been keeping the trip report archives updated. Maybe I should just start from here and not try to go back, as it's been way too long, I haven't done them.
Tom, It's been a fun journey following your trip report, thanks for that. I wish I had your abilities in both photography and writing. Looking forward to your next trip.
PS, Carol, I agree, that bar is fantastic.
[color:"red"]FRAN[/color] "Yes I am a pirate, 200 years too late"
I probably should note that Janet went for the Whiskey... Once again I stuck with a cold beer... I hate being the designated driver. Janet was not driving in the mountains. I did taste her cocktail and it was extremely well done.
The baby episode was so surreal and happen so fast. I cannot believe I got the shot. On the good news side of things - the children were excellent on the flight.
Once again thanks to all for following on - always enjoy comments and questions.
Last edited by TomB; 08/13/202101:25 PM.
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés