So much conflicting info. I want to verify there is no change to entry protocols for vaccinated travelers, a 'rapid antigen' test is still approved for the Gateway Application? Apparently our return to St. Thomas is requiring a PCR test for our three kids, the rest of us have positive antibodies test results. Thanks, we arrive next Saturday at Voyage Charters.
Noel Hall "It is humbling indeed, to discover my own opinion is only correct less than 50% of the time."
The change is that you will now be tested on arrival and will need to quarantine until those results come back. Not a big deal to spend a night or two at a quarantine anchorage. Your return to the USVI is however going to be a problem. There is no way to get tested for the return to the USVI in 48 hours prior to travel. Most testing in the BVI is done at 7:30 to 8 AM which means your earliest testing opportunity is the day prior to travel and that’s not going to work. I would rebook your return to fly through SJU.
I'm still waiting on my test request to BVIHSA dated 10 days ago. I have to admit I haven't been following up on the request since I'm in no hurry to leave. But others I spoke with today are returning to Europe and they are worried/certain that they won't be able to board their flight due to the slow test results. On a positive note, they are testing a lot less now as they've realized that if someone has symptoms the odds are high that they have COVID and thus don't need to be tested. This might lower the response times, but I wouldn't bank on it.
Why am I in no hurry to leave? This pictures says it all (Long Bay, Virgin Gorda)
Henrietta confirmed negative rapid antigen is okay for vaccinated folks coming in. Yep, the problem will be getting back to St. Thomas because of the three children. The rest of us all have antibody tests.
Noel Hall "It is humbling indeed, to discover my own opinion is only correct less than 50% of the time."
The change is that you will now be tested on arrival and will need to quarantine until those results come back. Not a big deal to spend a night or two at a quarantine anchorage. Your return to the USVI is however going to be a problem. There is no way to get tested for the return to the USVI in 48 hours prior to travel. Most testing in the BVI is done at 7:30 to 8 AM which means your earliest testing opportunity is the day prior to travel and that’s not going to work. I would rebook your return to fly through SJU.
There is no quarantine for vaccinated arrivals. Well, technically there is a 15 minute quarantine at the port of arrival while you wait for your rapid test results but after that no need to take your boat to a quarantine anchorage if you're vaccinated. There was a small glitch this week because the rapid tests weren't ready on 12 July as promised and some people were told the needed to quarantine. The Tourist Board sent an email on Tuesday clarifying that even though they were using a PCR test and would not have results quickly, the vaccinated guests were " free to explore the destination immediately upon completion of the RT-PCR arrival/Day 0) test without the need for quarantine".
I don't have a link to post but if anyone needs the email for reference I'm happy to forward. Send me a private message and I will share.
Things are changing fast and your data is probably more current. When I left on the 12th I inquired about the new requirements. I was told a quarantine was required until negative test results were received. My understanding is unvaccinated travelers can’t use the quick test. Again things may have changed. They said this applied to all unvaccinated travelers.
Crew on group charters should always arrive the day before and depart the day after that for any group gathering. Double that if you if you must travel through St. Thomas. With Covid and 2020/21 triple it. The idea that anyone can make "just in time" plans can harm the holiday for all involved.
That’s just not a strategy in this fact it is worthless Ron. I’m here waiting for second bite of the exit apple. Nothing you said would change that..indeed would only complicate the problem. Your comment should be totally ignored.
I just got an answer from BVIHSA asking how long it takes them to give results. With my limited English I have to admit that I couldn't understand the answer:
Well Zanshin with two exit tests and a “retest” after a “weak positive” on the first though fully vaccinated and nearly complexly isolated before that test for 3 week before first test, I’d be leery of making hard and fast plans. I’ve had results late afternoon/evening of the seCond day..more than 48 hrs post sample but less than the earliest departure from island on day 3.. that rules out the STT route.
Through a.combination of unforeseen circumstances I hope that continues or we will have to retest again and change flights at more expense and add another week.
Getting here is easy. Leaving is not as certain. I have decided to never again go anywhere if it requires a negative test to get back into the states. Testing here is not state of the art by any means. YMMV.
Indeed it is much like Hotel California “Such a beautiful place” “you can check out anytime, but you can never leave”
After over 40 e-mails to various government entities on various islands today (St. Martin, Sint Maarten, St. Barths, St. Kitts & Nevis, Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Guadeloupe, Martinique and St. Lucia) I've finally found a solution that doesn't force me into a 7 or 14 day quarantine. St. Lucia says that if I arrive with an outdated PCR test older than 72hours prior to arrival they will give me a test and quarantine me until the results arrive a day later. Bingo! St. Lucia is 2-3 Days sail at 145 degrees, which the current winds should allow in a straight run. So now all I have to do is wait for Customs to either give me permission to leave, or permission to stay.
But it is reminiscent of Hotel California. Or quantum theory and Schrödinger's cat!
After over 40 e-mails to various government entities on various islands today (St. Martin, Sint Maarten, St. Barths, St. Kitts & Nevis, Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Guadeloupe, Martinique and St. Lucia) I've finally found a solution that doesn't force me into a 7 or 14 day quarantine. St. Lucia says that if I arrive with an outdated PCR test older than 72hours prior to arrival they will give me a test and quarantine me until the results arrive a day later. Bingo! St. Lucia is 2-3 Days sail at 145 degrees, which the current winds should allow in a straight run. So now all I have to do is wait for Customs to either give me permission to leave, or permission to stay.
But it is reminiscent of Hotel California. Or quantum theory and Schrödinger's cat!
wow yeah that sounds totally reasonable, I am curious maybe this was mentioned and I missed it, could you have gone to the USVI and travelled from there?
( He can't leave the BVI without checking out, and he can't check out without testing AND permission from BVIHS for C&I to check him out. He can't get tested without BVI Health Services authorization and scheduling, and he's waited nearly 2 weeks from his initial request for that small part of the puzzle. I bet he'd LOVE to get to Cruz Bay with papers in order . We all would ! )
Yes, I could have tried the USVI - but I'd still need my exit clearance that I've been waiting on for 2 weeks and a PCR test taken within 48 hours of departure. Plus non-Americans travelling to the USVI need a B1/B2 visa or better (which I have). It is in my list of options, but since my goal is to get somewhere south of the hurricane belt the USVI is the wrong direction.
The JVD clinic is a 5 minutes walk. Take left off of the dock and walk to the old yellow church building with no roof—-take a right on the trail just past the church and it’s about 50 yards down on the right.
Thanks! There's new form (7 page WORD document, no less) that basically says the same thing and supersedes the image link you sent Even though I haven't heard back from customs, I'll schedule the test so that I can legally leave and figure out the legally arriving part out when the time comes.
Thanks! There's new form (7 page WORD document, no less) that basically says the same thing and supersedes the image link you sent Even though I haven't heard back from customs, I'll schedule the test so that I can legally leave and figure out the legally arriving part out when the time comes.
I love the BVI (not). I requested a test on JVD in both the e-mail and document that I sent this morning. Just got an e-mail that I'm supposed to show up at the high-school in Road Town tomorrow at 10:00AM. It really does remind me of the old DDR days - no matter what you requested, you just got whatever... I can't sail to Road Town or Tortola now due to the curfew. What a @$#@#$ mess.
Honestly, I'd just go to the JVD clinic at 7am and tell them you sent an email but are scheduled to depart and they scheduled you for the wrong testing location. I seriously doubt Tina would turn you away. Take a pattie from Joan at Sugar & Spice if you want to be sure!
I'll depart here from Virgin Gorda at 05:00 when the curfew ends and see how far I get, I need to buy some stuff in Road Town in any case so if I can make it to CGB by 09:00 then I should be able to take a cab into town and make it in time for the appointment. I just hope that there's a cab waiting and available in CGB tomorrow morning. I think I can make it, but it just shows how little regard, if any, they have for customer requests. I've no expectations that this $70 test will do anything to let me in anywhere, but at least it will let me leave the BVI. Hopefully. I still need the pre-clearance to leave and then have to clear out.
I was at the test center in town today and the whole thing went quickly. There were a number of people waiting outside, but I think that they were doing those who were traveling first. The drive-through vaccination ground only had about 10 cars so there is no backlog there anymore. Now let's see if I can get customs to acknowledge my test result and let me leave.
Ok everyone, we where there in April, had to jump through a bunch of hoops but it was so worth being in paradise again. Now October is approaching and we are coming back. The question I have is: this time we have been fully vaccinated, and have positive rapid antibody tests. I know we still have to do the pcr test, but what else is the new protocols. Thank is advance.