I got out just in time..again..but this makes me sick to my stomach. This is so shamefjul and avoidable and I feel so sorry for all my great VI pals who have been vaccinated and stuck to the rules to be punished by idiots who refuse..shame on them. Fasting and praying is not the answer..roll up your sleeves BVIslanders!
Arriving in Heaven the BVI resident said “God, we prayed and fasted hoping for your help against covid yet you did nothing! God replied, “I did do something, I sent you 30,000 doses of vaccine”.
Plus another 3000 just underway right now from U.K.
So pointless. The vaccination numbers have barely changed. 13,719 1st doses on 7/3. 13,999 on 7/14. 280 doses administered in 11 days. At that pace, we need about 400 days to get to 80% vaccinated.
People here who are going to take it, already have. They should implement a lockdown for unvaccinated residents. Checked vax cards at stores, offices, and restaurants just like checking an ID at a bar. Stop paying unvaxxed people to stay home and not work. Many will break the lockdown rules, get infected, and help the herd immunity. Hopefully the pace will be slow enough for the hospital to keep up. Overtime, nature will take care of itself.
I saw that article, but I also listened (and just relistened) he didn't say PCR. In fact, he first said 24 hours, then he repeated but said 48 hours. The other confusing part is he said "anyone traveling between the BVI and USVI must submit a test within 48 hours of departure" so that can be interpreted several ways. It will be best to see the written rule before worrying too much.
Anyone really interested can interpret for themselves by listening here. You can fast forward to 8:50.
This is going to be fun (...not...) with the current testing backlog and test response times going outside of 72 hours --- somewhat over the specified 48-hour timeframe. I applied for a travel PCR test last Friday and have yet to get an appointment. Effectively, this shuts down people going from BVI to the USVI as of next week.
Only possible way to work it is to use the antibody test. Valid for 4 months but how long will antibodies test as present? We had our tests done 2 weeks after second dose and teated positive (in late May). Wonder if they would still be detected today? Going to be an interesting situation. Not returning til January and who knows where we will be then. Grateful we were able to be there so seamlessly in June.
I got my second vaccine shot Valentine's weekend and had a positive antibody test (the long term antibodies) this past weekend - basically 5 months. And it was pretty evident way before the 10 minute timer was done. Of course, they say everyone is different, and that not having a positive result doesn't mean that you don't actually have antibodies, so..... But that at least gives you a real world example.
Personally, I would do it as soon as possible - 4 months before your return home. Naturally, if you do that, the rules to the game will change before you go!
Keep Smiling!!!
Peter s/y Time Will Tell (2019 Lagoon 42) peter@syTimeWillTell.com
Please keep in mind that ONLY the USA accepts the antibody test for travel. Anyone here in the BVI from outside the USA has to provide a current RT-PCR test from an accredited laboratory where the test is no older than 72 hours prior to departure in order to travel. And with scheduled appointments difficult to get and test results taking over 72 to be returned it means that Europeans or Asians are currently effectively prohibited from traveling back home. I'm still waiting for a test appointment that I requested last Friday. Even the gentleman I'm dealing with at Customs in order to get my pre-clearance for leaving by sailboat admits that it is unlikely for me to get a test appointment in the near future. I'm effectively quarantined on the boat, and have ample food and beer supplies, so am not desperate to leave but I feel really bad for those stranded tourists here who believed in "BVI Love".
Do we know that the antibody test will still be accepted? Different rules for vaccinated and unvaccinated? And all this will likely change before most of us go back.
"Because of the ongoing aggressive increase of COVID-19 cases in the BVI, Governor Bryan has shortened the time period for legitimate COVID-19 test results to enter the USVI from the British commonwealth from 5 days.
Until further notice, persons traveling from the BVI into the USVI must present test results obtained within 48 hours of traveling that show a negative COVID-19 for those who are not vaccinated or a positive antibody test for those who are vaccinated."
Some additional clarity was provided from USVI. The new requirement is a PCR test taken within 48 hours of travel. The antigen test is no longer accepted so all the eMed tests people are planning to use are invalid starting on Monday. Antibody test is still allowed but must be within 3 months for air arrivals or 4 months for sea arrivals.
I've read on FB BVI Community Board page of multiple people using a concierge covid testing where they meet you at your location and do the test. They then walk it through lab for quick turnaround. The people all seemed to have success with it. Also, one person had a positive test come back from Peebles and they wouldn't let them retest. They called the concierge and did a retake and came back negative. Probably worth a phone call if someone is stuck due to testing.
Wow, that's a lot of money, but if it's your only way to get out, guess you have to pay it.. PCR tests in Sint Maarten are readily available, at around $125 and antigen tests (which I realize aren't acceptable to the USVI) are $60-$70. Surprised the USVI isn't accepting antigen tests, as, as far as I know, they are still acceptable to enter the continental US.
Jason--so, is there anywhere in the BVI where one can get a PCR test within 48 hours?
The best bet is to call the Private clinics on this list.
I had a guest leave 7/3 and used Penn Medical with very good success. The had an actual appointment system and results promised in 24 hours and actually returned in about 30 hours.
Could be harder now, but probably still doable.
Last edited by JasonHelmbrecht; 07/16/202110:34 AM.
The new requirements actually seem quite reasonable. Only issue seems to be getting the test results on the BVI end in the 48 hours. I imagine that will change. Hopefully for the better, but possible for the worse in the short term.
The new requirements actually seem quite reasonable. Only issue seems to be getting the test results on the BVI end in the 48 hours. I imagine that will change. Hopefully for the better, but possible for the worse in the short term.
It's going to be tough. The BVI Health Services team recently (July 10) announced that results should not be expected in less than 72 hours.
Last edited by JasonHelmbrecht; 07/16/202110:39 AM.
Agree, Jason. The 48 hour turn around is tight just to get results. Then one has to submit and get USVI approval which has been running 12 to 24 hours. Antibody test is the easiest way when possible.