Ok.. here’s the trip report as best I remember.. mostly because I don’t keep notes while there and my memory is usually modified painkillers and bushwhackers along the way. You might even get a different perspective from other crew!
After finding much cheaper AA fares out of Orlando, Di and drove to Fran & Karyl’s on 5/2 to get an early flight out the next morning. Typically, AA was late because the flight crew needed sleep
and we missed our SJU connection, arriving EIS over an hour late. Maryann & Peg found the truck in front of the airport and killed some time over some cold ones until we arrived. Fran got a
car from Hertz and, with luggage for 6 tied to the roof, we hit the road for Sailor’s Ketch on the way to TMM.
Frozen fish in tow along with many bags, we arrived at TMM to a warm greeting and a place to put our frozen seafood while we headed out to Bobby’s for more shopping. We emailed an order to Bobby’s for heavy stuff.. water, beer, mixes, etc.. but got all our fresh stuff first hand. Bobby’s was great and they had our delivery order ready to go and we paid for everything at once, taking our fresh stuff with us with the delivery following close behind.
Back at TMM, Jeannius looked beautiful.. a/c was cranking and both the fridge and freezer were cold. TMM had carried all the luggage left in their office on board. Now that was a shocker.. never had that happen before. Got everything stowed, cleaned up.. cocktails and off to Brandywine for dinner. Davide was on Virgin Gorda at Little Dix for a culinary competition but his chef took good care of us and he also called us during dinner to say how sorry he was to have missed us. Chel & Al met us.. Roger & Lisa.. just had a great time topped off with a surprise tirimasu with candles as a birthday cake. Even though my birthday was 3/15, it was a great thought.. a surprise and appreciated.
Tuesday found Jeannius with very low battery levels and not charging properly, even though we were on shore power. George, the electronics genius, had been there the week prior but it still wasn’t right. The call to George went out again. Meanwhile, we put up flags, hung rope lights, got Jeannius ready to go in style and started enjoying our newly purchased beverages. By late morning it was apparent that George needed time to solve the problem and we began making alternative plans to leaving the dock that day. As it turned out, our problem wasn’t resolved until late afternoon and by then we had made plans for Spaghetti Junction and another night playing on Tortola. A little disappointed we didn’t get away but no reason to spoil the spirit of the vacation and hell.. we’re in the BVI.. better than at home.
Wednesday off we go and headed to Marina Cay. And from here on.. you just get the highlights:
Michael Bean was in typical form. Fran and I did our very best to nail him down on future plans and he wouldn’t bite. Would not commit to returning to MC but only said he’d “always be somewhere in the Caribbean”. Not a clue what that meant but clearly, he’s not committed to MC
for next season.. not yet. Donovan’s Reef came to Jeannius to take us to dinner. Almost no one
there and while dinner was very good, our waitress rushed us so badly it spoiled the beautiful ambience of the dinner.
Thursday to Deadmans on Peter and anchored easily there. Took the gals ashore for sun ‘n fun while Fran and I puttered on the boat. Ate a gourmet meal aboard, although forgot what it was.
Headed to Sopers on Friday morning.. good sail.. and got in line for the water fuel dock. Had a few boats ahead of us so we maintained a holding pattern, muttering about a cat that was taking forever to clear the dock. After what seemed like forever, they finally moved but we avoided making any gestures to show our displeasure. Good thing too.. cause it was SailorRick on Aristo-Cat II!!!!! Needless to say, we all met up at Pussers for drinks and had a good laugh about it. Water took us a long time too.. as it trickled out of the hose. Then off to Cane Garden for the night. Went ashore, talked to Quito for a while.. drinks with Fitzroy at the bar.. then back to the boat… for more drinks. Ate on board.. never made it back to shore.
Off to Great Harbour / Jost the next day. Fox & Tess are off-island to get lumber in Anguilla for the Tortola sloop Fox is building. Buy some Foxy stuff in the shop and wander down the beach to find Corsairs. Turns out it’s the old Club Paradise location. Had drinks.. met everyone.. great fun..
got ice and made dinner reservations. Corsairs was a dinner highlight.. great food.. great service..
hope Vinny, Lena, Tom et al do well and looking forward to seeing them next year.
Sunday is White Bay day.. KC (Di’s stepbrother) is holding court and a good crowd. Karyl’s cell phone is picking up a signal from STT so everyone is calling home for Mothers Day. Di gets KC on the phone with her mother who is shocked to learn she has a son in the BVI named KC. Can’t wait for her to see the picture.. that might be the end of her!!! Tommy Dorsey Jr. takes us back
to Great Harbour and dinner aboard.
Monday the wind is kicking even stronger and more northerly than before. Friday had been very calm in CGB but it’s back now with a vengeance and kicking to 30kts. We’re headed to N. Sound.. dead into the wind and motor into heavy chop all the way.. about 24 miles. Jeannius does well but it’s not a pleasant ride. Took a ball at BEYC and did the tour ashore. Fran & Karyl hadn’t been to N. Sound before. A few ales at the store and then to Saba Rock for a drink and the gift shop. Motored up to Leverick and docked only to be greeted by Thorsen & Pam Cook, Roger & Lisa and Lew & Kimmers Spruance. Drinks by the pool and a great time had by all. Then to the
Restaurant at Leverick for dinner.. one of the best we had the whole trip. What a difference a year and a new chef have made. Really enjoyed finally meeting Kimmers and Lew and were invited up to Spyglass for coffee the next morning. What a beautiful place! Another great visit with them and looking forward to another next year… then off to Anegada.
Wind was a bit too close to north to hold a line to the mark and had to do a little diesel assist half way there. Markers are the same.. first red there.. no first green.. no second red.. third red there..
last green there. Enough to make a safe and easy entry. Took a ball and headed for Neptunes to see Randy & Linda.. drinks at Neptunes.. dinner reservations. Had a fun evening.. Roger & Lisa
leave NS ahead of us and already in place.. join us for dinner along with George and Reggie whom we missed last year.Really nice evening.
Next day we’re off in 3 jeeps to explore and visit George & Reggie at Lavenda Breeze. Beautiful house and amazing view of Loblolly. There’s a Sunsail flotilla up there, arriving behind us the previous day but now we can see them all at Big Bamboo from Lavenda Breeze. Fran & Karyl,
Maryann & Peg opt to head out to Cow Wreck. Di and I head into the Settlement trying to find the Anegada Rock Iguana Head Start Program. Easy to locate.. right by the gov’t building and fire department. Had fun visiting all the pens and hundreds of iguana of various ages and sizes. Found Dotsy’s Dinette by accident looking for a cold drink and ended up with a wonderful baked chicken lunch that we split.. and good thing too.. way too much for one. Total bill with 2 cokes.. $12. No adult beverages served. Our crew is still at Cow Wreck when we arrive and the rest of the afternoon is spent with Alex and many more varied drinks. Back to ARH to see Sue but she’s off island on Tortola at her new shop. More drinks at ARH and another great dinner aboard.
Thursday was the best sail from Anegada to VGYH. Just too fast. Docked and hit the shops for more treasures. Drinks at Bath & Turtle and generally wandering around. The crew is going to eat the remaining food on board.. Di and & head to Chez Bamboo. Atmosphere and service are great.. food was pretty sad.
Friday morning was cloudy.. then heavy rain. We got a opening and left for Tortola only to get
hit again with heavy rain. Pulled out a foulie jacket and sent the crew below. Rained most of the way back but clear on arrival at TMM. Peg and Maryann are flying out. Fran & Karyl are headed to Olde Works Inn. We’re staying at Coconut Pt. Dinner that night at JR was just great.. best ribs
I’ve had anywhere.
Saturday Fran & Karyl pick us up to give us the “real tour” of Tortola… down through Long Bay and that amazing “road” to Smugglers.. Joe’s Hill Rd.. and Skyworld… places we had never gone before. Went by TMM again to see if Store-It BVI picked up box and explored Cattitude a bit. Went back to Spag Junct with them for another fun dinner and I got to covet the lighted electric pepper mill again. (ordered one from Amazon.com yesterday). Bid Fran & Karyl bon voyage until we see them back in FL.
Met Cheryl (PurplePineapple) and Uschi (Sebastian’s) for lunch at Sugar Mill beach bar at noon Sunday. Talked.. ate.. talked and talked some more. Adjourned to Sebastian’s for drinks until after 5p. What a great visit with both of them. Did Sugar Mill for dinner.. very mundane food but service and atmosphere are very nice. Won’t go back. Too many reports of the same from others.
Monday morning Di chilled by the pool. I went back to TMM to see Cattitude again. Got more info
and looked at her in more detail. Then it was the sad routine.. pack up.. load the car.. go to Denzil’s and the airport to go home. Got to EIS a few hours early only to find AE was canceling flights later that day and we zoomed out of there in 30 mins on a 1:30 flight vs our scheduled 3:05. The rest if your typical flight home and all went typically.. even all our bags made it in spite of the hurried EIS departure.
Newsy Stuff:
Alex at Cow Wreck has acquired a 49’ Bertram in FL and is planning on bringing it down soon.
Will be offering charter trips from Tortola to Anegada and back for day trippers.
Louis at JR showed us the architectural plans for a new sportfishing marina where the JR is now.
Will demolish the JR and all the rooms. Plan is an $8 million development of 20+ sportfishing boat slips, new JR, several apartments, hotel rooms, a chandlery and retail spaces. A huge complex that will change the face of Soper’s forever.
Sue Wheatley has a new boutique in Road Town on Main St. near Latitude 18 called Hockster’s.
Missed her there too as she had returned to Anegada.
We’ll be back next June 2 to 19 and staying at Coconut Pt. June 2 –4. Then on Cattitude June 5 to 15 and back to Coconut Pt. June 15 to 19. 377 days and counting!!
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