Saw this on Facebook of total disregard for social distancing and masks. No wonder cases are going up. All about the money. How could government allow this.LINK
Yes very much so and we the Owners in Beacon Hill is currently working to get them to lower their music which travels way over to us with Bass bombing .
Scubaman--The late night music is a problem also. We have heard it at Beachside many times, but weren't sure where it was coming from, but figured it was Karakter..
Yes i agree the late night music is a problem but with the island in the middle of Covid something should be done addressing those large gatherings. Since management there has no regard to safety I will be boycotting that establishment until it is addressed.
Saw this on Facebook of total disregard for social distancing and masks. No wonder cases are going up. All about the money. How could government allow this.LINK
I make this post with some hesitation. Is this for sure a recent picture? It appears it may have been taken down now. If so, all of the people made a choice/decision to partake. They also made a choice regarding masks, distancing and protocol for the situation. They also all had the choice to leave if they were uncomfortable. Did they make a bad choice? Who knows but it was THEIR choice. If this is IN FACT recent, it plays even more into the questioning of ANY reported positive Covid test of a departing person. There are tourists mixing with locals and if in fact local cases are rising (something like 4-fold of late?) how in the heck can there not be at least ONE positive test of a departing person? Sorry, it does not add up to me and probably my last post for a while again.
Color me a tad confused but where can I find this "four fold increase in cases" . All I see is a 7 day daily average of new cases at three....and it's kinda been around that number +/- since mid- February. Unless you mean a day with one followed by a day with four....but I don't think that's where you are going
That's where I get confused. The last 20 positive day was Feb days with double figures in March or early April with most below or just above 5 cases/day. Maybe a link to that data would help..I gave one in the other thread...and I did the math
I am only continuing this discussion because if the cases were increasing 400% on a daily basis this would be a major issue
Perhaps that figure is old then, if so, I apologize but I do stand by my statement regarding the picture from Karakter and the lack of any reported positive test yet of a departing passenger.
i can't see the picture...the link is not working, but if it is crowded i am not surprised. Sunday nights are a zoo at Karakter. I mantioned in my report, that we attempted to eat there last Sunday night, and the place was packed, at least the parking lost was. NO place to park, and was told by secuirty that on Sunday nights is ''Beach Party", so it attracts the younger crowds every week. Couple of different bands, and I beleive the radio station sponsors it also. We ate there either Wed or Thursday evening, had a nice quiet meal, with a great duo playing. What a difference a day makes. As for postitive cases, the cases have gone up in three weeks...but have NOT heard or seen any story about NO CASES have been reported on departure? If there is a positive test, there is no way to board the plane. They are checking those tests throughly.
The party crowd at Mullet yesterday was massive, especially considering the pandemic. We went to Mezza Luna in Sandy Ground last night for supper, and it took us 30 minutes to get thru the golf course as cars were parked on both sides of the road. Also..if I ever book a trip onto the island arriving on a Saturday, I hope someone kicks me in the fanny! 2 and a 1/2 hours thru immigration. The covid test doc review was done while we were standing in line, so it wasn't related to the hold up. That said, it's all been worth it thus far..
"We are tied to the ocean. And when we go back to the sea, whether it is to sail or to watch - we are going back from whence we came." ~ John F. Kennedy
Gomer, I am with you. i will not be arriving on a Saturday ever again. I had the same long wait you did three weeks ago. It was madness. As for the parking in Mullett, we have been on the island a few times during Easter weekend. Monday is the biggest day of the year, with most businesses and shops closed, except at the resorts, and the entire island becomes one huge drunken party, Especially on the beaches. Mullett, Gallion, and Orient become transformed. Today, you will see a huge difference.
Karakter should be ashamed of the overcrowding on Sundays and also the NOISE pollution they are causing to surrounding neighbors. Their actions are causing concerns to all residents and tourists especially with the COVID Pandemic
Benni....Noise pollution? I don't think Karakter is any different than any other restaurant or club on SXM. There really isn't a lot of ''neighbors'' being effected by Karakter...PLUS, it's location is on the other side of the fence from the runway!!! They do not stay open all night. I really cannot see much difference than any other place who have always had music outdoors. Maho, Simpson Bay, Orient, It is one's choice to go or not to go. Surely can't fault the owners of Karakter wanting to make a buck while they can. I am sure Sunday night's are their busiest time, and have been for years. Why begrudge them?
Ed--As far as neighbors from Karakter, Beachside Villas is about 1/4 mile away, and the BOOM, BOOM, BOOM has been heard there many times, going way past midnight. There are MANY, MANY, MANY condos and hotel units much closer. Can't imagine how bad it is there.
i understand Carol. BUT....these people are in business. If it is too noisy for tourists, they have the choice not to stay there. People have the right to make a living. It's like someone moving in next to a highway, and then start to complain about the noise. Or living near train tracks, and complaining about the noise of the trains. It's a no win situation.
i understand Carol. BUT....these people are in business. If it is too noisy for tourists, they have the choice not to stay there. People have the right to make a living. It's like someone moving in next to a highway, and then start to complain about the noise. Or living near train tracks, and complaining about the noise of the trains. It's a no win situation.
Somewhere in the middle as I believe a business should be a "good neighbor" . Unless you almost lost or had to close your business because of out of control circumstances, you may not understand the need to make a profit whenever possible. With Irma followed by covid, we find many places just aren't going to return. Not that I agree with the loud music but I fear putting my employees and myself in any situation that is not necessary. In this situation there is a total disregard for everyone's health and maybe being out of business is better than the life and health of a person.
I can't believe someone is defending loud noise.....and saying to move elsewhere if you don't like it....
I am NOT defending noise. I am defending the rights of the owners to run their businesses. This Sunday Beach Party is nothing that is new to Karakter, it has been going on for years. In all the years I have followed this forum i have never seen any complaints about it. Did anyone think maybe the owners may have compromised with neighbors to keep the noise down to ONE night instead of SEVEN? There are many locations on SXM that offer ''live loud music". For years, we all in maho area heard the ''boom boom boom' EVERY night from Bliss. We also heard the noise six nights a week from Cheri's cafe. Roxxy Beach now has it. Lee's has always had loud music. Should they ban live entertainment on the island? Chill folks, it is vacation. And as was eloquently stated, if you don't like it don't go. I believe that was the ''winner''.
Well, as a person who has owned timeshare in Simpson Bay for more than 30 years, I can tell you that the noise issue has NOT always been what it is now. To say "if it's too noisy for tourists they have the right not to stay there" is absurd. We have invested over $150,000 in our accommodations and continue to pay $10,000 per year in maintenance fees. Plus the occasional special assessment. We rent a car for 8 weeks, we pay a local entrepreneur to store stuff, we go to a variety of beaches where we buy food and drinks, we go out to dinner, we buy groceries. We buy jewelry. We spend a lot, and we've always gotten a lot. So when you say we have the right not to stay there, well.....
2fingers--And my ears are still assaulted by music which is offensive to me, and I can do nothing about it. This is someone exercising their right to OFFEND me??? How is that in any way responsible by them??
Carol, please reread my post. I was referring to the implied fears of those concerned about the throngs of maskless, non-socially distanced patrons. Music is totally different issue, one which I didn't address.