Maybe someone else knows how to link the government announcement. Seems to be spread from the recent funeral attended by an infected relative. Previously twenty was the threshold for more stringent measures, so it will be interesting to follow this.
Maybe someone else knows how to link the government announcement. Seems to be spread from the recent funeral attended by an infected relative. Previously twenty was the threshold for more stringent measures, so it will be interesting to follow this.
They don't start testing the funeral contacts until Tuesday (10 days after the event) so expect the numbers to increase. These numbers are mostly travelers and 4 community spread cases. Even more interesting is there is a hospitalization which is something we have not seen for a very long time.
Obviously we can't know this, but I wonder how the people on the boats got infected. Hopefully we will be down in late May and would like to mitigate vulnerability while traveling (via SJU to EIS).
Nibj: IMO they are likely travel related. Only Delta has been blocking middle seats and many other airlines are packed. Small planes from SJU and STT as well - that's why we used an Island Birds private charter (that was great and essentially the same rate as Cape Air from STT). One distrubing thing we witnessed (we just returned from 18 days last week) was the number of boats with a Q flag in non-Q anchorages. Vast majority were MarineMax powercats - are they not being properly briefed? Witnessed this on JVD both in Great Harbour and White Bay (multiple vessels). In fact, one vessel moored off Soggy for two days (!). A mono hull moored next to us East end of White Bay - we dinghied past and questioned him as his Q flag was flying - he mentioned that he was waiting for day 4 results and was going to go ashore soon in any case as he was tired of waiting. Sure thing, we saw him dinghy in (alone) and in about an hour high tail it back at full speed, quickly pull lines and head out of the area. We wondered if he got a positive test result. Some travelers either aren't being properly briefed or just don't care. It was really sad, especially as so many are really doing their best to adhere to the protocols and be responsible.
Wow, that is one difficult graphic to find! I went to the website without any luck. It is also not on their FB page. Do you have the URL for that graphic? Thanks!
Wow, that is one difficult graphic to find! I went to the website without any luck. It is also not on their FB page. Do you have the URL for that graphic? Thanks!
What is your gut feel on the situation Jason? We were thinking of heading back down to our boat in mid-June but if another lockdown is looming conserving the $$$ airfare funds might be more appropriate.........
It would have to be very serious for the government to implement a strict curfew again. There is not much appetite for another heavy lock down. I think we'll see smaller gatherings and more enhancement first. Even if they are forced to lock down, it will only be long enough to contain an outbreak (3ish weeks) so June will be safe.
Airfares are mostly changeable these days so I'd book the tickets and continue as planned until something really happens. I expect mid-June to be just like now. It's possible there will be some relaxing of protocols by then but I'm not overly hopeful. The government will have to change their position on 70% vaccination for protocols to change by then. I was somewhere in the 6000-7000 people vaccinated group and my next shot isn't until 28 May so I won't be "fully vaccinated" until 11 June.
He reviewed the case statistics. Cabinet has approved reducing some of the gathering sizes and they will continue a 2AM to 5 AM curfew through April 15. He indicated the curfew was to assist in the contact tracing and testing of people who attended the funeral.
Most of his address was to explain the importance of getting vaccinated and to encourage those who have not been vaccinated to do so.
I still just can’t seem to wrap my head around allowing “vaccinated cruise ship passengers” in June.....but still requiring charter/Villa guests to test THREE times, even if they are vaccinated as well????
I still just can’t seem to wrap my head around allowing “vaccinated cruise ship passengers” in June.....but still requiring charter/Villa guests to test THREE times, even if they are vaccinated as well????
It's easy to understand when you remember that the government gets a head tax for each cruise ship passenger and that the taxi drivers who shepherd them around are all voters.
The stats are looking good for nations vaccinating heavily. The UK is now down to close to 2000 new cases a day verses France at 60,000 with the same populations. It seems like getting to a 30% vaccination rate is where you really see new cases dropping off. Israel at a 54% rate is in the low 200 range and dropping. Sadly a good part of the world has a zero vaccination rate. It’s sad the BVI is sitting on so many doses. They might want to consider sending them to places they could be used before they expire.
Set up mobile vaccination sites - you have the keener's who want the vaccine and will do anything to get it including standing in line and the middle that will take it if it's convenient and the deniers who won't take it at all - the only way to meet the middle group is to show up outside their place of employment or their homes. That's why we always got our shots at school - it was too much work for the parents to take us to the doctor's office.