Ellen, ironically after my guess I saw your picture on Smithsonian Channel Aerial America featuring Ohio. OK, what is the name of this place? Be specific.
Mike, most confusing to me - looks like a place protected by barrier islands hence relatively flat. I don't see any tropical vegetation like palms and the land rises sharply so I eliminated certain familiar places.. Just for fun, I'll guess somewhere in the Indian Ocean?
It's a difficult one this. Don't have any photos that will make identification easier so it'll just have to be a case of homing in on the answer. Not the Indian Ocean but you are in the correct hemisphere Fred.
Nearer to Sydney than the Northern Territory. Wasn't actually that warm as it was winter. There is something unusual about the sand on this island. Can you work out what it is...
Adrian... It is Silica Sand. Absolutely amazing because it doesn't stick to you and it squeaks just like the best powder snow when you walk on it. This photo is the island next to the original photo. It shares its name with one of the American Founding Fathers mentioned in one of the recent photo competitions...
That's it Fred. The island in the original photo Is Whitsunday and the beach Whitehaven Beach ( https://www.queensland.com/gb/en/th...c07b935fbe730dc52c-whitehaven-beach.html ). You may remember that Jean and I don't really like beaches (much to Malcolm's disgust) except when viewing them from the cockpit of an anchored boat but Whitehaven is different. The sand is incredible in that it doesn't stick to you and also doesn't get hot. Much more comfortable. than your average beach! Your go.
Mike, I forgot about beaches, but I do recall your disdain for kitty cats. Regarding your picture, I kept going through the alphabet and only after I looked it up I would have guessed Mackay. However, your clue led me to Hamilton. OK, here's one for now with a more revealing one later if needed.
Beerman, I was looking for the name of the NP, but El Capitan could be in the picture so I'm giving you credit. My next one would have surely been a giveaway for Yosemite NP. Beerman, you are up.
Interesting - I thought of "El Capitan" and googled it, but none of the images matched, although the rock formations looked similar. I should have thrown out that guess after all That is one National Park that I need to put onto my bucket list.
Wasn't sure if that was a side view of the face of El Cap? I'm hopping in the truck to head for the mountains now...so I'll keep the theme going...where is this?
Guess it didn't go fast after all. I'm pretty sure Mike knows, but if you were to post something about this place, it would be under Southern Caribbean.