And they are reported to have asked for UK help in pressing for further investigation in USVI. Apologies if this has already been reported, I didn't see it in either VI forum.
I have been following the story. I can’t remember there was a notice sent out about joining an organized effort by boat and divers to grid search areas. ( This was a grass roots group, not the police)
I suspect the boyfriend may have things on his boat unrelated to the disappearance of the girlfriend he would rather not have seized. Still his attitude about the entire event is strange to say the least.
No, this is not evidence of guilt but evidence of being smart. He contacted a lawyer and the lawyer's advice was not to allow anyone aboard.
The police don’t have a clue on where to start an investigation. If they found a ketchup stain on one of his shirts that would be in their eyes as a blood stain with out even having it analyzed.