I now have smokin' fast wifi!!!
Jan. 20, World ARC San Blas Rendezvous
We started the day by going over to the small island we were anchored off of for some swimming and sunning; we walked across the shallows to the next island to do some exploring. These island are very small, maybe 100 yards wide and ¼ mile long at best, the sand is powder fine and there are no bugs here, not even mosquitoes.
The wind, waves and current combine to make the water look like a water color painting
Today the World Cruising Club is organizing a beach party and potluck lunch, the Skyelark contribution will be Mucosa, a Greek eggplant and potato casserole, prepared by Dan. He dropped most of us off early and we followed the trail to the other side of the island, passing the huts of some of the residents. These modest abodes are constructed of bamboo lashed together for the sides and covered with thatch roofs. The insides are open with hammocks for the people to sleep in; the families were going about their daily lives and molas were displayed for sale at each one.
Happy Happy Joy Joy
The Yellow Shirts, the WACR staff, were already there when we arrived greeting everyone and making preparations for the luncheon; they also had a table set up where they were handing out fresh coconuts with a liberal splash of rum to get everybody in the festive spirit. We are starting to recognize many of the other participants, and it was fun to discuss the passage from St. Lucia with the other crews; many said it was one of the most challenging sails of their lives. There are a surprising number of boats that are being crewed by just two people, whether a couple or just two friends.
There was an amazing assortment of dishes to choose from, far more than I had imagined; proudly our dish was one of the first to be finished. Now you wouldn’t want to be the boat who had leftovers to take back, so being the thoughtful soul that I am I did my best to see that every selection was consumed. Introductions were made for the crews that joined in San Blas, and updates were given on the boats that experienced mechanical failures during the first leg and had to divert to make repairs.
I met some young people who were on a backpacking holiday, and found out that you could make arrangements to visit these islands from the mainland. The tour they were on included roundtrip transportation, jeep and water taxi, from Panama City, two nights accommodations and meals for $160 US per person. The lodging is quite rustic, either a hammock in a shared thatch hut, or a small tent on the beach; I got the contact info (Lam Tours) for future reference. Other water taxis arrived throughout the day with tourist who enjoyed the beautiful water and soft sandy beach. There were also a good number of Kunas present and Robin entertained some of the village children with songs on his guitar; being a retired primary school teacher, he has a way of connecting with kids despite the language barrier.
Robin entertains some of the local children
At one point I noticed a young native girl giving me the eye, I was very flattered until I realized later she was one of the transvestites that are not uncommon in the tribe (just my luck!); they have no social taboos against this or homosexuality, however the guide book warns that public displays of affection, even kissing is prohibited.
Jan, after "taking one for the team" by making a fantastic game winning save in the beach volleyball match
We made our way back around the island and waited for Dan to pick us up before it got too dark, the many reefs that surround these islands require the fullest attention, even driving in the dingy. Back on board we didn’t bother with dinner, having feasted at the party. We had a few drinks in the cockpit while Robin strummed his guitar under another star filled sky.