We arrived yesterday, but I don't count the day of arrival. It was very windy this morning - around 30 km if I read the weather report correctly, and we decided to stay at Grand Case for the day. The beach was not very crowded in the morning, by midday, Frenchy's, Rainbow, and Cerise each were doing okay with a total of around 50 to 60 . We ate in for breakfast and lunch , so no review there. For dinner we went to La Villa - which we do pretty much every year. The wait staff is very friendly, the prices are reasonable for fine dining, and there are always extras. Tonight, extras included a small serving of cold sweet potato and potato soup, plus a few shots of after dinner drinks. My wife started with the house special drink which she described as fabulous - Orange Juice, Strawberry, Vodka and Champagne. We also had the scallops appetizer, she had the sea bass - and decided not to lick the plate since that would probably have been a covid violation. I had the penne with chicken which was good, and she finished with the pistachio creme brulee which she said was scrumptious .
For fans of Piazza Pascal, and we went there twice last year, apparently the new owners have changed the name and the menu, it is now Ristorante Pizzeria, you may be able to blow up the photo to read the menu. Not sure if we will try it, there are many other places here.
Hi. Thanks for the report. Where are you staying in Grand Case?
I was able to view the photos when I clicked on the link. You could try instead to just use the IMAGE MANAGER here, and upload the photos directly here.
Click on USE FULL EDITOR. Once you do that, scroll down below the box and past the smilies, to ATTACHMENT MANAGER. Open that and upload your files directly there..
Or upload pictures to the SXM PHOTO GALLERY, and link them from there, using the image tag.
See--there ya go!! And you discovered the one 'fly in the ointment', which is that pictures taken in portrait mode show up sideways, but easy to just click on the picture and flip it. There is a work around for that, but flipping it manually works too.
I forgot to mention, we paid cash at La Villa , and they offered 1 USD to 1 for Euro. I have not seen any signs of that, and that has not been my experience at other places so far