Tuesday, Day 13 I have been assured that the croissants(Almond & Chocolate) have had all fat removed surgically. They are so good. Started with a lot of rain showers around. I took a picture of the clever way our hostess connected her roof gutter with the downspout so that your view is not interfered with by a drainpipe. Skies cleared to a beautiful day and certainly warmer than back home in St Louis. Lunch was ham, cheese, strawberries that were in frig. Big event for today was getting our covid test. Pretty sad that this was the major event for today. Tests were given at Simpson Bay Resort, 5-7pm. No reservations, just show up at small office next to their casino. Fill out form, pay for tests ($70. per person), and wait for your turn. They were very organized. In all it took about 45 minutes from arrival to finished. Results were available in Resort Lobby between 8-9pm. We were negative.That's good,.....but also means we have no reason that we can't fly home tomorrow. Dinner tonight was back at The Palm's. Bill and Elaine were there to pick up their carrot cake for before bedtime snack. We split a Sirloin Burger w/fries. $18. Jo tells me they have applied for a credit card machine. Sadly the bank is working on ultra "island time". Some day, she says. Another rain after we were home.
Beautiful scenery! And that burger and fries looks wonderful!! All of us stuck here at home will be sad to see you go home also. Hopefully someone else will pick up with some daily reports!
Great looking burger and is that actual real cheese? Gouda or swiss? We have that chain for one of our downspouts off our bedroom sunroom at home. They work great. Quite spectacular when they freeze into a giant ice sickle.