Here's one I took last year. Apart from the glaring hint in the flag flag flying atop this residence, I can say that the view when turned around 180° and looking uphill is much more spectacular.
EllenS - This is indeed in Germany, and you were very astute to see the non-standard Bavarian flags; the checkered blue-white pattern is far more prevalent.
Carol - While Neuschwanstein is in Bavaria, it is a very long way from this picture's location and it was built by crazy King Ludwig. This location is much older. European Royal families intermarry quite bit and this location has lots of roots to royalty in such countries as Russia, Belgium and even Great Britain.
I'm hoping that nobody answers in the next couple of hours. I have a really nice picture that I took of the object behind the camera; a telephoto night shot. Even without Google! that should clinch it considering the audience here. If not, I'll add some written clues.
Germany has a bunch of Castles! I think it was the one North of Nuremberg But I cannot remember the town Was working in Nuremberg and one free day we just drove around looking at the country side
Cannot wait to see the night shot!
“Every time I open a bottle of wine, it is an amazing trip somewhere!” José Andrés
sleepychef - No, not Bremen (the highest elevation around Bremen is the local landfill, no hills and no castles there)
Here's a picture taken from across the town, the location where the first picture was taken is just off the bottom right of this one. This is the original fortified castle, the first picture is of the "habitable" castle that they built and moved into to avoid the drafts and long walk up the hill
The name of the town is good enough for me, once someone guesses it.
Last edited by Zanshin; 08/29/202001:00 AM. Reason: Added postscript
The next picture goes to xrayman67 - the first picture is indeed the Schloss Ehrenburg in Coburg, Germany. Queen E. the first stayed in the 2nd floor centre room on that picture. Queen Victoria of England's hubby came from Coburg, as did the first king of Belgium and the Saxe-Coburg family sent their three daughters to the Tzar of Russia so he could choose one of them The place has a lot of history and I'm currently in quarantine here - I see that castle from my front door
Funny thing, today I decided to return to searching out my ancestry and the surname of my fathers side dates back to the Norman Conquest of 1066...thus our heavy English dna. I have to guess at this pic, because honestly it could be anywhere, even at a Minnesota Vikings tailgate party!! ha! I'll start with Norway?
TomB - I'm sorry I missed your post!!! Ich bitte vielmals um Entschuldigung, das wird nicht nochmal passieren.
I started looking at the thread from the bottom up rather than from the top down, hence missed your guess. I see that the thread has progressed since then - sorry.