Hello Folks , Is it that everyone is paranoid of coming to the Island for the rest of this year ????
Not me. Our issues are with Delta/AA and the SXM government constantly changing requirements. I would be there in a heartbeat (and it may still happen) but as I am sure you just read, Delta just cancelled our flights for Nov.
Our concern is being able to get the test results within the required timeframe. If we can, then we'll be there, but three days is pretty unreasonable.
And who knows if the SXM government may change the rules, just prior to your flight, while you are in flight or after you arrive.
It is not that people do not want to come, although I am sure there are some that feel that way. Most just want a reasonable assurance of a safe and enjoyable trip without too many hoops to jump through and no last minute surprises upon arrival.
Just checked our JB flight for this November and still planned. I will wait until the first week of November to make the decision, unless it is made for us.
Thanks Folks for your constructive responses and do understand. Just today , I had two Folks and no problem, plus the first couple even bought a Villa at Dawn Beach just pass this July. Know them for many years , but was totally surprised that during this tough time they did this; hence had to be a great deal . Blessings. Lets hope for the best. And the another couple for Beach Side Villas.
Just drove 1200 miles throughout 5 states and flew transcontinental NY-LA andLAS-NY. Just basic infection control 101
I did met a Young patient in NY who just spent 3 months caught in The quarantine. She states 3 mo in French SXM with true restrictions that make NY restrictions seem like a farce,
Kenny, we are ready to come at a moments notice...
It has nothing to do with fear! The world shut down from this flu and businesses have been closed for 6 months with my family not working and having to struggle to pay their mortgage, pay their health insurance and pay their tes. This has nothing to do with fear! People can not afford to travel right now when the basic food, shelter and clothing is first in their minds. I will be back when it is possible for travel without a mandatory vaccine or some Covid19 nasal swab.
Understand and we all have the money issues. We have our two children in Canada , our Daughter is getting marry next September and our Son is doing excellent with his studies in Visual Arts and Graffic Design. Me and my Wife can't go anywhere else to live . Such is life . We lost our papers for US way back and no big deal even though all of my Family lives there.
We would have been there for two weeks and leaving today if they wouldn't keep changing things. I understand what they are trying to do, but making it near impossible for people to meet what is required and then shutting down half the island even if you can jump thru all the hoops is not something I want to do right now.
Probably stated in jest, but who knows for sure. IF it would come to something like that, NO WAY would I consider a visit, that is NOT a vacation.
It does resemble what my sister and niece wear at the dental office where they work. My sister is a front desk person and even she has to wear this garb.
Not a chance until there is some sort of vaccine or treatment. It’s not just being on an airplane, it’s walking through the airport, standing in lines to check in or go through security. It’s immigration when you arrive. It’s sitting at a bar or restaurant wondering if the people next to you are infected. It’s wondering if you do get in infected and it turns nasty how the hell are you going to get off the island to receive proper treatment. And then it’s going through the same stress on the 12 hour trip home. And then it’s waiting in self quarantine in your house so you don’t infect others. Not my idea of a pleasant vacation.
We have our plane tickets for our 5 weeks in March. Whether we can actually coed depends on the SXM government. The current requirement for 72 hour tests is impossible to meet right now. Really hoping that changes by the end of February. Flying doesn't concern us that much. We'll wear masks and gloves and takes wipes to disinfect the seats. All reports are that the HEPPA air filters on planes do a good job. We may eat out less and try to eat outside if possible. At the pool it's never been a problem to be well away form others.
For us, it's not about fear of the virus. It is about concerns that we won't be able to get our test results in time to travel, and that we won't really know that until right before we're supposed to leave. By then it would be too late to deposit our timeshare weeks with RCI, so we would completely lose three weeks that are paid for already. We'll be making our decision in the next month. We want to come, both to enjoy our annual vacation, and also to see and support the island business owners that we have come to know and love. It's a very difficult situation.
With broken hearts we decided not to celebrate our 25th anniversary on SXM. We travel for two weeks at the end of August and have celebrated our last ten anniversaries at La Villa. Besides the test results, I think our biggest concern is what if one of us contacted the virus while on the island, I'm extremely stubborn and truly want to visit this year, but the risk is not worth it. I understand that the island needs business as my business has been almost completely shut down since March with no end insight until guests can gather again at catered events. I never complain about working 7 days a week, but do not like having all this time off. May we all be safe and healthy and look forward to next year. Estimated over $3000 saved by changing our travel plans and just eating lobstah for a week in Maine.
I plan to be there in January unless things get worse. I am concerned about the 3 day turn around on the test. I'm hoping that by then the saliva test will be available and acceptable. Even if the 3 day test is still in effect, I'll have other tests done before I leave to be sure I'm not a carrier. Worse case scenario is that you get tested at the airport on arrival - I'll eat the $120 for a SXM vacation
Oh yes! Ken actually clearing a week in October to try to pull it off!! That last storm that hit us really is keeping us busy with generator installs!! If covid wouldn’t have happed you would have seen me 5 times since March already!!!! XO
Worse case scenario is that you get tested at the airport on arrival - I'll eat the $120 for a SXM vacation
My understanding is that the Government of Sint Maarten will not give you the approval to travel if you haven't filled out the form and included the negative test results within 72 hours before you fly. Am I missing something?
Last edited by GaKaye; 08/23/202008:30 AM. Reason: to clarify comment
Nancy and I are not happy with our chances of making our Oct trip. Not only is Covid a issue , I have two doctors telling me not to travel, also, ten days ago I had some serious surgery and this doctor said he doesn't want me to do any flying for 2-3 months. It's not looking good for us but, You will be the first to get a definite answer, probably in about a week. Wishing you and Shirley the best.
Lesley--we will not be there this year. We are both in a couple of different high risk groups and I worry about the trip down, in the airport, in lines, etc. and about getting sick down there. We have definite plans for next June. Presumably there should be a vaccine by then and tests should be readily available, in a quick fashion.
As you know we've booked a car with you but it's for the beginning of 2021, not this year. Not sure if that too will change. As of today we are the only two people on the flight.
We’re booked (rebooked from April) for Oct 19-Nov 2 but so far have not located a lab that can guarantee pcr test results within 72 hours. If that requirement is relaxed or we find a local test that can meet SXM’s requirement we’re still keeping our fingers crossed we can go. We will make our decision by the end of Sept.
Fully plan on making the trek across the US down to SXM in November for a bit over three weeks. Unless we get told that we are not able to make the trip and we can't figure out a way around it.
We are presently in Cabo, our first trip since March. It is uncrowded and as safe as being at home in my opinion. Air travel was fine, noting we were up front. Plenty of drink service, a cheese plate that is similar to what Alaska Air has made famous which was fine for a short flight. Could have really used some salami!
Looking forward to seeing our SXM friends. Cheers, Todd
As of this time our plans haven’t changed - we will see you in November as reserved. The big IF for us, as with so many others, is the availability of the quick return Covid test. If we don’t make the November trip it will be the first year since 1974 we won’t have been there and that would break our hearts.
But all that said, this is the year 2020 and judging by the way it’s been going so far, who knows what else can possibly go wrong?!
"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them."
We met someone who had been quarantined on a small Philippine island since March and had just returned to Canada. As an added insult he was fined for overstaying his visa. Too many variables to consider.
Hi Lesley, we greatly enjoyed our 18 days in SXM. There were no issues at all, with the exception of a few restaurants we liked were closed. In fact, this was one of our best vacations here with very little traffic and felt like royalty in the restaurants.
Kenny, I think we all feel awful about cancelling, but when you are in that age group with health issues, it only makes sense to be careful.
Businesses are dropping like flies here at home--it is very sad. Hopefully there are enough of the young healthy travelers to keep sxm going strong!!!!!!!
We want to be able to make many trips to sxm, after this is a little safer for us---and easier to travel. We are all set for 2 in 2021!!!