DAY FOUR – Still on Jost! Morning came and we hated to see Bridget and Brian shove off but, they were headed to Norman to finish out their trip. We enjoyed our coffee and snacks and relaxed for a while. After getting around and cleaning up some we headed to shore. I think we got on shore about 10 or so and walked over to Foxy’s. I think the smell of the chicken on the grill steered us there… was like one of those cartoons where the smell is in the air and the character just sort of floats to the source!! …..the guys were standing at the grill preparing the chicken for the day….dear God it smelled good! We walked around trying to find a Baylor anything hanging from the ceiling (Ruth is a Baylor Bear) and found nothing…..I can ASSURE you we will change that next trip! After buying a couple of shirts we proceeded down the road laughing at the ever present goats and chickens. I laughed thinking that they better not get too close to Foxy’s! Those guys have that chicken thing DOWN!!
I’ve read so much on here about Christine’s that I thought Ruthie might like that place….so we made a right at the Police station and walked up there. Ruth got a piece of cake and we walked and she ate it….claimed it was very good! We walked up to the market as a recon for the next trip. I have a strange fascination for cemeteries because of what you can learn from the headstones. There is so much history in a graveyard! We walked the cemetery and saw the history that we knew we would…..interesting to me (and surprisingly…Ruth too!) We headed back towards the general direction of Foxy’s and Ruth saw a swing and got on. I got some good pictures and we just kept on moving along. I saw a taxi and asked him if he would take us to Foxy’s Taboo for a trip to the Bubbly Pool….he said he would and we got in. We hadn’t driven 50 feet and the driver asked this couple if they need a ride. They said they weren’t sure where they were headed so we invited them to join us on the Bubbly Pool adventure. The guy pondered a short time and said…”let’s do it!” So, off we go to the Bubbly Pool. Now, if you’ve never take this ride, it can be intimidating at times! They are working on the roads (which are basically one lane at most times) and imagine my surprise when we are on a hill at quite an angle going up and over the top of the hill comes a dump truck. And, I’m not talking one of those small one’s I’ve seen in Japan or places like that…I am talking large…very large…take up the ENTIRE ROAD LARGE!! I thought “this should be interesting”….and as our vehicle met theirs………my old saying came true…”you CANNOT fit a St. Bernard through a cat door!!” We played chicken for a short time until our driver gave in and pulled up a driveway that I swear was straight frigging up!!! I was actually having a ball with this! I looked over at the truck and realized why he didn’t want to chance both of us on that point in the road at the same time…..his port side (our starboard side) of the road…nearest to the cliff…was hollowed-out under the road…..thus the road repairs. Well, the dump truck being gone, we backed up and headed off on our trip. Our driver had a speaker that was in the passenger area and….picture the worst burger driver-through speaker you’ve ever heard….or…for those old enough…..the worst drive-in movie speaker you’ve ever heard….and…that is what we were dealing with while he tried to explain what we were looking at on the way there. The rest of the ride was uneventful and GORGEOUS!!
We arrived at Foxy’s Taboo and the driver didn’t stop….in his best McDonald’s speaker voice he told us he would get us as close to the bubbly pool as possible. We finally stopped and it was 11:30 at this point. He asked if we wanted him back at 1pm…..I told him that may be a little early. He said he had a run to White Beach at about 1:30 but he could be back at 2pm. We agreed on that and headed out. I think the taxi was $10.00 each.
The four of us made our way to the bubbly pool. For those of you that haven’t been there (like me)…you will see an old muddy pond initially…that IS NOT IT! Follow the path and look for the white or blue arrows that folks have painted on the rocks. Well, we finally got to the bubbly pool and it seemed rather dead…FOR A SHORT TIME! No one else was there and the waves were small. That changed quickly….it was great! The waves picked up and we were really enjoying ourselves! We were there for what I would say about half-hour or more and over the ridge comes about 8 to 10 people with a bottle of champagne and a couple of bottles of rum and/or whiskey. They obviously were toasted and one of the guys begins climbing on the rocks where I would imagine that fella got hurt and the other guy died saving him. It was at that point we backed out and took some pictures and called it a day at the bubbly pool. While they were having a good time…they were a little obnoxious for me! As we walked back to Foxy’s Taboo there is a turn in the path where the scenery in front of us was absolutely a post card. We took some pictures and again got back to walking. We got to Foxy’s, ordered a couple of Caribs and a burger. Not sure if I’ve said this yet….but Ruth and I aren’t big eaters so we split most everything when we go out to eat….so we decide to split a burger and fries. A month or so ago there was a thread on here about best burger…well….I gotta tell ya…this was possibly the best burger I have EVER had!! And Ruth agreed! About 1:40 Ruth said “do you think you should call a taxi?” I said No, he said he’d be here at 2, that isn’t fair to him to call another taxi. We walked around an took pictures and about 10 minutes later Ruth asked me the same thing and my response was the same….he WILL be here! She really had her doubt and reminded me about what I had told her about locals and island time. I assured her…I felt this guy would be good on his word. I began to wonder as it closed in on 2pm…..but…almost right at 2pm…..guess who pulls up?? Our guy….I said…see,…told ya! We have a great ride back.
Since the first place in “town” that you pass when you get back I Foxy’s, we asked him to let us out there. We said goodbye to our traveling companions and walked into Foxy’s for a beer. I was excited….guess who is there telling jokes???? Right…FOXY! I got a few pictures taken with him and watched as some folks from Switzerland just cringed at his black jokes!! Watching them was possibly funnier that the jokes! If you know Foxy’s sense of humor…you know he if very often making jokes about black folks….and what would be totally beyond the PC in USA and other places…Foxy takes you way beyond that! And, it can take some folks by surprise (buy his CD if you want to hear what I am talking about). So, after another Carib and some time with Foxy, we got on down the road to get a taxi to white beach.
After we got a taxi to the Soggy Dollar (which, by the way is $5.00)…we stepped back on to one of the most fantastic beaches in the world. Shaneek was there serving up the drinks and we did our share to keep her employed! We bought a few things from the gift shop and…I’m not sure what time it was but…we began looking for a taxi and no luck. We had the gal at the bar call us one and NO LUCK!! She said most of the guys were done and home for the night! Then she said “I have one coming….he is on his way!” GREAT….so we walk to the back of the Soggy Dollar (what I assume is the VIP entrance that they reference on the card HA HA!!) and wait for our taxi. Up pulled a van with the taxi driver and a VAN FULL OF KIDS in school uniforms. We are laughing our butts off inside!! And, when he dropped us off, we just bust a gut….this guy was already home and taking care of the kids and to accommodate us, he loaded the kids BACK in the van and came to get us! How fun is THAT!!!???? What a GREAT way and memorable way to end the day!
We head over to Foxy’s and wrote our name on the reservation sheet for 7 (or 7:30) and head out to the boat to put stuff away from the day. After a short time on the boat we get back in the starship dinghy and head back to shore!
We arrive at Foxy’s dock and get seated as soon as we get inside Foxy’s. We look over the menu and decide she wants a salad and I want the seafood pasta….we’ll split both of course. It arrives at the table and it was like WHOA…these are USA portions! We could have split the salad….or the pasta…the combination of the two was A LOT of food! But, we started eating and both were GREAT!!! The seafood pasta loaded with shrimp, scallops and lobster and was incredibly tasty! Having fat belly’s we rolled out of Foxy’s and back to the boat for more ING words! Tomorrow we head out for the long trip to the North Sound and to meet Nick and Monica at Leverick bay!