Day 2 4/26
Up early. Brought Dunkin Donuts coffee with us so we got that going. Deliveries from Bobby's (sodas and fruit juices), Carib Cellars (booze,wine and beer) and Riteway (food) all arrived between 9 and 10am. A few substitutions and missing items had to be dealt with, but nothing major. Get fishing license, pole holder, bait and extras from Last Stop Sports. Boat check out completed at 10 am and we were off the dock at 11am. Moorings really has them packed in these days. Pulling that 50.5 out of the slip was made much easier with the bow thruster.
Heading for Trellis Bay to pick up our 7th passenger. Winds were perfect for everyone to get there sea legs blowing, ESE 10-12 . Back an forth across Drakes a couple of times. Piped up to 15+ from NE so we motored in around 3pm. Picked up a mooring ball just east of Bellamy Cay ($30). One of the crew notices a deep cut in the mainsheet. Call Moorings and they send someone one to replace ASAP. Cape Air Flight arrived on time @ 5pm and the last of our crew was onboard 20 minutes later w/ PK in her hand...Nice (Some day I want to do this!)
Dinner on board. Wind died off and showers rolled in after midnight. First port/hatch closing drill of the week. Pretty stuffy down below. Decided to fired up Genset and turn on AC. First time sailing with this option. Generator fired up OK, AC blowers working but no cold air. Have to give Mooring another call in the morning. Multiple port opening and closing drills overnight. Still managed to get some sleep.
More to come.........