Day 3 4/27
Some rain showers still lingering this morn. Breakfast, coffee Kailua watching de planes come and go. Call Moorings about AC. Gave instructions over the cell phone on how to bleed the water intake system. Issue resolved. (Make a note. Had to bleed the system every time we used it after sailing. Did not seem to be a problem after motoring.)
Off the ball at 9:30 and heading to Anegada. Put a Rigged Ballyhoo on the pole. Did not get very far. Winds lighten and die off just past east end of Scrub. Wallow for a while then motor over to Great Dog. Grab park service ball. Lunch and snorkel. Winds east and still light so change of plans. We head for (motor) toward North Sound. One last blinding rain squall to get through. Sun reappears! Almost to Mosquito Is when I see a nice wind line approaching. Get the sails out just in time to pick up 15-20 out of NE. Great couple of 7-8 kt tacks out and back past Colquhoun reef and into North sound. Had Rossi II laid over pretty good a couple of times showing everyone her dirty bottom. Pulled in the fishing line as we enter NS. Better luck tomorrow.
Most of the Saba mooring balls are full so we grab a Bitter End ball right between Saba and the beach. Happy hour on board and great breeze keeping things cool. Mix up first batch of PKs. Pool floats overboard. Pick up some ice from ice/trash boat ($5 bag). Bitter End mooring fee $30. Ladies take dingy into Bitter End to check out the stores. Great sunset looking back toward Leverick. Get cleaned up and we all head to Saba for dinner. Seven in a problem. Fish, chicken and salad bar all good. Get entertained by all the big fish eating the little fish attracted by the underwater spot lights. Back to the boat, ports and hatches open, night cap and some perfect sleeping weather.
Moor to come........