Florence Bernard everyone’s friend from the office/reservations at Club O is now the Director at www.orientbeachhotel.com The hotel looks very nice. It was scheduled to open in April but of course the timing wasn’t optimum. It is well located on Orient Beach. I am sure Florence would love to hear from all of the Orient Beach faithful. She is also on LinkedIn. carib cheers, doctorj
It appears to be just north of L'Hoste/La Playa, the former Blue Bay? There was definitely construction underway there in February, when we were on the island.
Where have you been the last two years? Missed you on the beach last year and this year post-Irma. Hope you are well and dealing with Covid without too much inconvenience.
We completely remodeled our house last year and this year we were we were going to Alaska in March to see the Northern Lights, but that didn’t happen. As you know we always stayed at Club O, we’ll have to find an alternative for our next trip.