OK, if you're going to limit it to OCEANFRONT, that will be somewhat of a problem, as probably 50% of the oceanfront restaurants are not open as of yet. Frankly, most of the best restaurants in GC are not on the water, in my opinion. If it were me, I would pick Ocean 82, if you're limiting it to oceanfront. No second or third choices, that I personally would pick.
Unfortunately not, once it's posted here. I assume the pic was taken with a cell phone? I have had some success with saving a cell phone pic to my computer, with a DIFFERENT name before uploading it, and that has seemed to correct the issue.
1. Ocean 82 2. Le Temps de Cerises (they are small, and will run out of food items during the course of the evening, so cannot guarantee what's on their board will be there when you get to ordering, but was showing as an option when we were there [burgers are world class, too - masterful works on the most delicious buns; ever wondered what a $30 burger with fries tastes like? This is it....and totally worth it]) 3. Barranco (only other fine dining GC restaurant with view of water that I know of)
Like Carol said, limiting yourself to waterfront means you'll not have much to choose from. Be that as it may I would highly recommend Ocean 82 for any kind of food.
Grand Case Beach Club at the end of the main street has a restaurant named Sunset Cafe. Great view of sunset. On the water view of Anguilla. They used to have happy hour to view sunset but not sure what's going on there since the hurricane except to say it's repaired and open. Restaurant is open to the public just ring intercom at gate and say you're going to Sunset Cafe and they let you in.
Lucas--If a burger costs $30 at LTC, how much is a filet?? Frankly, I don't think I would pay $30 for a burger and fries on SXM.. (even though I LOVE fries on SXM...)