thank you. I asked because I just saw a documentary about how Curacao is capturing them, studying what they eat and trying to come up with a way to eradicate them. And SXM came to mind.
Dive Adventures out of Simpson Bay Marina. Here is their web page. I have just shy of 300 dives with them over my years diving on St Maarten. They are part of Aqua Mania at
They are good eating. Had it a couple of times in St Maarten. Was outstanding. I see them all the time when diving in St Maarten.
Have eaten Lion fish in Grand Cayman. Very sweet white fish. Had it broiled, battered and fried and in a cerviche. Delicious. Where did you have it if you don't mind me asking?
I would like to try it, but have never seen it offered. Is it a specialty item, seasonal, or usually readily available on the Island and you have to ask for it?
There is a food truck in Bonaire (called Cactus Blue on the Beach -- it's located near Donkey Beach) that serves lionfish burgers. They're fine eating -- but not as good as the "catch of the day" fishburgers sold by a nearby food truck (Kite City food truck at Te Amo beach).
Thanks for the information. I'll keep looking and if I find a place I'll let you know. This past September in Grand Cayman there were only a couple of places serving it because the culling program has decreased the number caught and leaving them to live in more inaccessible areas (both the restaurant and dive shop told me the same thing). Didn't see one the whole 2 weeks diving.
Last edited by KenNDeb; 02/09/202006:44 AM. Reason: Missing information.
Thats good.Have friends who fish the Florida keys,and they are a big problem.Lake Erie is ice free,and we been fishing still! Mildest winter so far No lion fish! HA! We do have a few nasty non native species that have been dumped from ballast tanks ,Big scare on the horizon is the Asian carp. Those really must be stopped from the Great Lakes> KP