What happens when I want to arrive to a mooring field early?
With FCFS I can get to a field at 8 or 9am and pick up a ball. What if I reserve a BB, arrive and the previous tenant is on it? Circle around for a few hours? many bareboat charters are likely running at over $50 per hour if you apportion the weekly cost.
...and that is again ignoring the fact that people come to the BVI to CHILL OUT! Not fight over some out-of-towner's poorly conceived basement project.
Our experience is that the charter companies are against BB (Moorings/Sunsail certainly).
For anyone else like us who are against this nonsense, you may be reassured to hear that after 11 days in the BVI we have completely avoided BB and had no issues. We have though used our anchor a lot more than we would have. If they are allowed to get more of a foothold however, it will be to the detriment of all.
Once BB get more than a foothold, demand for boaty ball will skyrocket. Not because of a love affair between the cruiser and BB, actually quite the opposite, because valuable long standing choices that kept people coming to the BVI will be gone. For decades we had choices and flexibility. Sadly this may be destroyed out of BB misguided quest to make it better.
In response to some of my postings on BB, I have been told “so don’t use BB”. You can’t anchor everywhere. If BB did not convert fcfs to BB, them I would not be impacted and would view BB as a positive for the BVI. My opportunity to use fcfs are being reduced. as such, I am being pushed to use BB by the change they introduced.
I have been in the BVI 3 weeks since the introduction of BB. So far, I have not had to use BB even once. I had no issue getting a fcfs ball anywhere including Cooper. This will no doubt change with the continued conversion of fcfs balls.
BB has stated that the benefit to BB is that you can sail all day. I don’t get this. It’s typically not more than a couple of hours of sheltered sailing until the next beautiful destination. What’s wrong with spending quality time at the next destination snorkeling, walking the beach, visit locals beach bars etc.
If I want to sail all day, I would head down island to get longer open water passages. I would not go to the beautiful BVI.
Last edited by warren460; 05/26/201901:56 PM.
Warren S/V Scuba Doo Lagoon 50 (winner of best crewed yacht under 55 feet at the St. Thomas crewed yacht boat show).
Once BB get more than a foothold, demand for boaty ball will skyrocket. Not because of a love affair between the cruiser and BB, actually quite the opposite, because valuable long standing choices that kept people coming to the BVI will be gone. For decades we had choices and flexibility. Sadly this may be destroyed out of BB misguided quest to make it better.
In response to some of my postings on BB, I have been told “so don’t use BB”. You can’t anchor everywhere. If BB did not convert fcfs to BB, them I would not be impacted and would view BB as a positive for the BVI. My opportunity to use fcfs are being reduced. as such, I am being pushed to use BB by the change they introduced.
I have been in the BVI 3 weeks since the introduction of BB. So far, I have not had to use BB even once. I had no issue getting a fcfs ball anywhere including Cooper. This will no doubt change with the continued conversion of fcfs balls.
BB has stated that the benefit to BB is that you can sail all day. I don’t get this. It’s typically not more than a couple of hours of sheltered sailing until the next beautiful destination. What’s wrong with spending quality time at the next destination snorkeling, walking the beach, visit locals beach bars etc.
If I want to sail all day, I would head down island to get longer open water passages. I would not go to the beautiful BVI.
Once BB get more than a foothold, demand for boaty ball will skyrocket. Not because of a love affair between the cruiser and BB, actually quite the opposite, because valuable long standing choices that kept people coming to the BVI will be gone. For decades we had choices and flexibility. Sadly this may be destroyed out of BB misguided quest to make it better.
In response to some of my postings on BB, I have been told “so don’t use BB”. You can’t anchor everywhere. If BB did not convert fcfs to BB, them I would not be impacted and would view BB as a positive for the BVI. My opportunity to use fcfs are being reduced. as such, I am being pushed to use BB by the change they introduced.
I have been in the BVI 3 weeks since the introduction of BB. So far, I have not had to use BB even once. I had no issue getting a fcfs ball anywhere including Cooper. This will no doubt change with the continued conversion of fcfs balls.
BB has stated that the benefit to BB is that you can sail all day. I don’t get this. It’s typically not more than a couple of hours of sheltered sailing until the next beautiful destination. What’s wrong with spending quality time at the next destination snorkeling, walking the beach, visit locals beach bars etc.
If I want to sail all day, I would head down island to get longer open water passages. I would not go to the beautiful BVI.
Well said. Seriously, how many times have you done 3 tacks in the SFDC and your crew starts asking when we're gonna get to your destination for the day.
I have been chartering in the BVI's for the past 30 years, and this was my first trip with the BoatyBall option. I'm a believer!!!! Racing for moorings in popular harbors had become a major distraction in recent years. While the 7AM check-in is a bit early, it makes the rest of the day MUCH more relaxing knowing we can spend the day sailing and still have a spot. In addition, the folks at BoatyBall were extremely helpful and friendly in my correspondence with them. I can't say enough good things about them!!!!
We liked having Boaty Ball as an option on our last trip. We sometimes have dives booked from specific anchorages and it's nice to not have to arrive at some of them (Cooper especially!) by noon to make sure we have a ball for that night.
The day we sailed to Anegada we left around 1:30 pm because we dove that morning. There was no anxiety because we knew we had a ball waiting for us when we arrived late in the afternoon.
No system is perfect and I wish they'd add more balls for everyone - BB and FCFS!
Premium users are for the moment limited to six plus everyone who books a charter through boatyball. That has no limit. 6 is a test. I can assure you that if they have more demand they will sell more. In addition your chances of getting a ball at Cooper or Great Harbor during busy times are virtually nil on a cellular internet hookup. As boatyball gains a greater percentage of the mooring balls expect the costs to go higher. Your chances of getting a FCFS ball also will be lower. Boatyball is about taking your charter dollars that normally went to the BVI economy and diverting the money to a small group of people in the US. In addition instead of spreading the balls throughout a anchorage they have taken the best balls in each location. Where are the promised FCFS boatyballs? G
Premium users are for the moment limited to six plus everyone who books a charter through boatyball. That has no limit. 6 is a test. I can assure you that if they have more demand they will sell more. In addition your chances of getting a ball at Cooper or Great Harbor during busy times are virtually nil on a cellular internet hookup. As boatyball gains a greater percentage of the mooring balls expect the costs to go higher. Your chances of getting a FCFS ball also will be lower. Boatyball is about taking your charter dollars that normally went to the BVI economy and diverting the money to a small group of people in the US. In addition instead of spreading the balls throughout a anchorage they have taken the best balls in each location. Where are the promised FCFS boatyballs? G
How did they take the best balls in each location? Everyone is complaining that at Cooper they have the closest balls but here in CGB they have the balls in the middle of the mooring field and none of the balls in the SE corner which is closest to the dinghy dock and most protect in swells. Exactly which are the best balls? Does it vary by anchorage?
Boatyball will keep growing and will keep raising prices and the government can’t do a thing about it because the Belongers who have the seabed rights are the ones profiting and the overweight charterers will pay anything for comfort. The restaurants don’t really have a say unless they own the seabed. The few ruin things for the many.
I completely agree. I have chartered in the BVI many, many times and also the Grenadines. I just don't like the concept of Boaty Ball at all. It is eventually going to be a monopoly, which will cause all kinds of problems. If there isn't a ball available, then just anchor. It's amazing to me the number of people who are afraid to have to do this. If you can't comfortably drop a hook, even in a crowded anchorage then you don't need to be chartering a yacht. I do realize that there are some places, specifically Cooper Island/Manchioneel Bay, that you are not supposed to anchor because of the depth, grass beds, etc. Just plan your day to arrive there earlier and get a fee ball. My experience is that even if you're there by 3pm and all the balls are taken, there is always someone leaving a ball late. I've never not been able to get a ball there, even in the middle of the high season. Another option, and one I quite like, is to anchor overnight at Salt Island. Obviously, you have to carefully check the wind/weather and swell forecast, but it's 10-15 feet of water on a sand bottom, and we've been there overnight in a 30 kt blow with no problems whatsoever. If you're nervous, put out two anchors.
I posted this reply on a much older page, but thought it might be worth reposting if I may:
I completely agree. I have chartered in the BVI many, many times and also the Grenadines. I just don't like the concept of Boaty Ball at all. It is eventually going to be a monopoly, which will cause all kinds of problems. If there isn't a ball available, then just anchor. It's amazing to me the number of people who are afraid to have to do this. If you can't comfortably drop a hook, even in a crowded anchorage then you don't need to be chartering a yacht. I do realize that there are some places, specifically Cooper Island/Manchioneel Bay, that you are not supposed to anchor because of the depth, grass beds, etc. Just plan your day to arrive there earlier and get a fee ball. My experience is that even if you're there by 3pm and all the balls are taken, there is always someone leaving a ball late. I've never not been able to get a ball there, even in the middle of the high season. Another option, and one I quite like, is to anchor overnight at Salt Island. Obviously, you have to carefully check the wind/weather and swell forecast, but it's 10-15 feet of water on a sand bottom, and we've been there overnight in a 30 kt blow with no problems whatsoever. If you're nervous, put out two anchors.
Premium users are for the moment limited to six plus everyone who books a charter through boatyball. That has no limit. 6 is a test. I can assure you that if they have more demand they will sell more. In addition your chances of getting a ball at Cooper or Great Harbor during busy times are virtually nil on a cellular internet hookup. As boatyball gains a greater percentage of the mooring balls expect the costs to go higher. Your chances of getting a FCFS ball also will be lower. Boatyball is about taking your charter dollars that normally went to the BVI economy and diverting the money to a small group of people in the US. In addition instead of spreading the balls throughout a anchorage they have taken the best balls in each location. Where are the promised FCFS boatyballs? G
How did they take the best balls in each location? Everyone is complaining that at Cooper they have the closest balls but here in CGB they have the balls in the middle of the mooring field and none of the balls in the SE corner which is closest to the dinghy dock and most protect in swells. Exactly which are the best balls? Does it vary by anchorage?
I guess best in each location is up to individual preferences. The balls they took in CDB are my first choice. They are near the best swimming beach. The most scenic, Close to the dinghy dock and most important where kids want to be. I don’t overnight often in CGB with a North swell but my experience is even the E corner is impacted. The balls they took in CDB used to be the first balls taken. Now they sit empty. Last trip we came into CDB late and they were 2 being used. The rest were empty. The balls are not out in the middle.
Just came back into Pirates Bight and there are thirty or so orange mooring balls just like the boaty balls, but they do not have the "reservation only" sticker. We assumed this was a transition, but the fellow who collected the mooring fee seemed to think these were not going to be BBs... Time will tell.
Just came back into Pirates Bight and there are thirty or so orange mooring balls just like the boaty balls, but they do not have the "reservation only" sticker. We assumed this was a transition, but the fellow who collected the mooring fee seemed to think these were not going to be BBs... Time will tell.
Premium users are for the moment limited to six plus everyone who books a charter through boatyball. That has no limit. 6 is a test. I can assure you that if they have more demand they will sell more. In addition your chances of getting a ball at Cooper or Great Harbor during busy times are virtually nil on a cellular internet hookup. As boatyball gains a greater percentage of the mooring balls expect the costs to go higher. Your chances of getting a FCFS ball also will be lower. Boatyball is about taking your charter dollars that normally went to the BVI economy and diverting the money to a small group of people in the US. In addition instead of spreading the balls throughout a anchorage they have taken the best balls in each location. Where are the promised FCFS boatyballs? G
How did they take the best balls in each location? Everyone is complaining that at Cooper they have the closest balls but here in CGB they have the balls in the middle of the mooring field and none of the balls in the SE corner which is closest to the dinghy dock and most protect in swells. Exactly which are the best balls? Does it vary by anchorage?
I guess best in each location is up to individual preferences. The balls they took in CDB are my first choice. They are near the best swimming beach. The most scenic, Close to the dinghy dock and most important where kids want to be. I don’t overnight often in CGB with a North swell but my experience is even the E corner is impacted. The balls they took in CDB used to be the first balls taken. Now they sit empty. Last trip we came into CDB late and they were 2 being used. The rest were empty. The balls are not out in the middle.
They are absolutely in the middle. I am looking at them as I type this. There are FCFS balls closer to shore, closer to the reef, farther to the SE, farther to the NW, and closer to the dinghy dock. I don't know how they could be more in the middle.
We picked one up. Figured they didn't say reservation only and did not appear on the website. Most had been avoided though. We thought this was just a transition, but the guy who came to collect denied that these would be boaty balls and seemed annoyed at the situation.
We had a reserved Boaty Ball today at Cooper Island we arrive at 3:30 and there is a Moorings 45 Cat on our reserved ball. We get there attention and tell them that we have reserved that ball for the night. The response from the “captain” on the boat was “I’m an experienced captain and the Moorings told us this morning at our chart briefing that the Boaty Ball system is not in use anymore.
We told him that the staff from Cooper Island could come out and inform him that Boaty Ball is still in use. He said they didn’t need to do that but the Moorings told him it wasn’t and that is why he was on the ball. After some condescending remarks from him he moved off of our ball.
still a buzzkill...until the business's get boycotted or bad reviews nothing will change. Cooper isnt even on our list anymore due to their bad service and bad "parking"...
Moorings needs to tell captains that boatyball is only open for squatting if no one reserves the ball which is easy to determine online...:)
I suspect that once Peter Island adds their 60+ balls and once Saba and Bitter End balls are back in service boaters will relax and trust that reservations will generally not be needed. With so many more options coming on line it is hard to see the need. We did three weeks in Nov/ Dec with no need for boaty balls and are on board again now. I simply refuse to spoil my holiday with the frantic 7 am on line reservation scramble.
I noticed a FCFS ball showed up on Btyball tonight, maybe they could redeem themselves by showing all available (open) FCFS balls in the areas that they have moorings, it would require some on-site effort, but the way this is now is just bad juju
I’m a full time cruiser now and only occasionally come back to the BVI when we have visitors on the boat. After pulling into Great Harbor on Jost today and seeing 7 or maybe 8 FCFS ball with everything else converted to boatyball it drove home the point to me that this is such a bad idea and it certainly makes me not want to spend a ton of time in the BVI anymore.
I understand all the pro arguments for boatyball and anchoring instead, although in places like great harbor the holding is bad and in many other places there is not a lot of room anymore. I also know I’m nott the target audience but this nonsense will convince me to spend less time and money than I normally would. We loved the BVI for 20+ years and it’s too bad something like ruins it for some of us.
I think the only way to make this go away is to convince the owners of the mooring balls that this is costing them and other merchants money. Anyone knows who owns these balls in great harbor?