Day 11 - Big Day,....started with breakfast with and old friend, Sally,morning waitress at Vernsa Taverna. French Toast for me, although not like the old with whipped cream. Two eggs, for Betty. Afternoon was rest and get ready for my annual SXM Lovers Get Together. Again this year it was held at elZafiro Beach Bar. Again this year they outdid themselves in the quality and variety of snacks. Sadly people said they were coming, but didn't show. Here's pics of those who did show and enjoyed themselves. The last pic is of Chef Lorenzo who created the snacks. We took donations for the All About A Smile Group. $61. was donated. Thanks people.
It looks like a fun event with lots of SXM lovers in attendance. And the setting at El Zafiro is lovely with the ocean as a backdrop and lots of convenient parking. Sorry about the no shows - that is always so disappointing.
"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them."
Thank you Norm and Betty for hosting the great party. It was really nice seeing everyone and meeting some new folks. Always a ygood time and food was delicious. Thanks again. Ken
Thanks for the report and pictures. Sad when people are so eager to sign up for something yet they do not have the courtesy to notify you if/when plans change.
thanks for putting together the party. Always a lot of work. Sad when people don't have the common courtesy to let you know if they can't show up after all.
Too bad you didn't have a better turnout. After all the trouble you go to and have a restaurant that makes the food for you, it's too bad those that had promised to show up didn't at least stop by to say Hi!
It was fun seeing everyone and making new friends! Norm and Betty are well known on the island and even got Deepti and her husband and family to attend. The owner of The Pub was also there. The appetizers were amazing and great for everyone to enjoy. Thanks for hosting the party Norm and Betty!