OK...took some pics on Sunday of some of the buildings at Flamingo....They ARE going full tilt on the reconstruction. As mentioned there are MANY hundreds of workers fixing both resorts (pic one shows a few on their day off and enjoying some beers on the beach)
It looks like all sliding doors are in place covered by plastic protective sheets.Bay being units shows the wood base underlay being installed above the decks....next pic shows the blue finished ceiling.
Pool is full and being filtered....
The buildings across Billy Folly Rd are a bit behind but serious work being done....
The front looks good where they have painted, but the back side is another story and sure would like to see want they have accomplish on the inside. From what I coud see last week there is a lot to do.
I don't know the schedule but stated what I saw. They are behind the progress of the other buildings I saw...not being critical but stating an observation
The schedule that is in place is that building 7 to be done with plumbing, electrical etc and then it's building 6 then building 3 and 4 to have the same done. Everything starts in building 7 then proceeds to the other three in that order as stated in the update link I posted earlier if you want to read it. All are supposed to open at the same time.
According to a post on a Flamingo/Royal Palm facebook page, a poster ran into 2 of the construction managers and it was stated Royal Palm would NOT be ready until sometime in the fall.
A prior flamingo desk manager just contacted me and sent picture of diamond add in DH advertising for desk managers and other positions for both resorts.
This may shed more light on Flamingo and Royal Palm reconstruction schedual. Posted by Yvonne Mendenhall with her permission. Mervin is on site manager for both resorts and Yvonne lives just up the street from Flamingo and also a Flamingo owner. "We had a great lunch with our friend and fellow-Irma survivor, Mervin LeBlanc, yesterday! The news isn't really news, but information and confirmation. The past and current reports are all good about reconstruction. The managers involved are getting excited about seeing the progress and how great this is turning out! The schedule essentially stays the same as Diamond's last report with the caveat that IF things should finish earlier, they will not delay reopening until the projected date! But, at this time it looks very good for reconstruction to be completed per Diamond's projection. The construction site is closed, so we sat at Juilette's and had lunch and watched the workers on the construction site balconies of Building 7 while Mervin told us what's happening. The interior work starts on the top floors and works down. Much of the bathroom and kitchen work is completed on the upper floors, nearly all the painting is done, and it's going very smoothly. The exterior work is well underway. Scaffolding has been moved to the back (east) side of the north end of Bg 7, so they are making their way around the building. From what we can see, the work is all prep work now, getting the surfaces ready for the new finish. Mervin says it will be a very attractive, strong finish AND require less ongoing maintenance. The former gift shop on the NW corner will be a small cafe with a few tables and will do beachside service and foods to go. It will be called the Pelican Beach Cafe. Mervin meets with owners when he can. He says he can usually carve out 15 minutes to meet if he gets enough notice. Diamond sometimes has him traveling, but he said he likes to connect with owners to reassure them, this is real, it is coming and it will be great! He also answers emails as soon as possible after they are received. Mervin.LeBlanc@diamondresorts.com He's a very good man and cares a lot about Sint Maarten and doing a good job for the island, the owners, and Diamond."
For whatever reason, Royal Palm seems to be the poor step-child in this whole situation. I hope they make their schedule but I doubt it, especially for RP.
"For whatever reason, Royal Palm seems to be the poor step-child in this whole situation" Why would you think that? Both resorts are continuing on schedule with reconstruction.
All along, that has been Diamond's MO, from the beginning. They don't like the whole owners, they don't like the restaurant, bar and shop operators. I wonder whether they will finally succeed in getting rid of the operators of the restaurant and bar. If so, that will be at least one good thing from all this delay.