I did read a Facebook post that said they talked with someone who claims there has been some progress in the courts, but you have to take this stuff with a grain of salt.
Its hard to read the silence though. Usually any topic with Club O attracts readers/postings like bees to honey.
But not now, either something is moving and folks involved dont want to mess it up or nothing is happening and folks involved sad/tired of talking about it.
Don't drive yourself crazy trying to read the tea leaves. Just know that the parties involved are working diligently on the issues and when there is something to share you'll hear it.
Well, to me that is somewhat encouraging, that at least someone is still working on resolving the issues. The world is a better place with Club Orient in it..
Not crazy Im just approaching 12 month since last yellow umbrella visit and have heard nothing interesting about anything diligently going on. Diligently must come in many different speed options.
While our first land trip was at CO, we began spending more trips off property as it forced us to see more of the island.
So, We are ok as long as the beach is there. It is enough of a draw to bring us to the island if airfare/lodging are affordable.
I do fear so many people have found an alternative in what will soon be the third high season lost. Also, worry the eventual return will be more difficult and more expensive. But whatever/however they make it back I would try to support either on/off property.
Speed up that diligence machine. Either folks are making a deal or going to court, which is it?
Hello all , I must say I do feel sorry for the owners at Club O . But for some one who has never stayed at Club O . But has just rented their chairs , for the last 22 years . I still love the beach . Had a great time for 1 wk. in Nov./Dec . And we will be back in April for 16 days . Kudos to Cedric for all the great work he does to keep the dream alive , Jeff_C
If your motto is ; If at first you don't succeed...... Maybe it would be best not to try sky diving !
The people who are asking if there is any news or updates about Club Orient are asking because they care! "When there is something to share you'll hear it." Whatever!!!!
Thanks, that is right those that care want to know. I also fear since very few post/info might mean interest is waning or some have written off the place. If that’s not true, then I expect some posts to that effect. Im waiting and counting .
Sound off like you give a care! 😉. Gunnery Sgt Hartmann
I care. I check this site every day looking for some good news. It's been scary quiet. I see places on the island like La Belle Creole and I wonder if Club O will meet the same fate?
Looks to be one of the chalets. I never spent the money for one of those, always went for a studio or mini-suite. Loved the studios with ocean view, even though they were pretty small inside! As you said, hopefully Club O will be there again, someday.
We only stayed in the Ocean front studios twice I think, back when the price was affordable for us. Usually it was a studio or mini-suite, seemed like the studios were $135 for many years.
Spoke to an owner yesterday (12/18) on the beach, she said her husband was talking to lawyers in France right then, remains hopeful. Might see her again before we leave and ask if any progress.
Thanks! If you still have their ear... What do they think of Perch Lite becoming a permanent structure put on a solid foundation approved by the French Gov.? Two years+ of business gives them squatters rights and they are no longer illegal. 2- Does the multistory building that was approved and has permits to build have a go ahead by the owners?
In all due respect... being someone in the know, how can your parents (owners @ Club Orient) lease to Perch Lite when there are no permits to build as of late?