We stayed at El Zafiro this November and when checking out they told us the building next door is owned by them and they were starting construction to add more units to El Zafiro and that they would also be adding a pool.
OK, this is getting kind of funny. I have no reason to doubt that, if El Z says that they are adding a pool, that they will be. Although god knows where they would put it? They built an additional couple of units, or something, with a viewing platform on top, which I believe was already complete when we were staying at Beachside in October. They well could be building more units, although again, I have no idea where they would be, OR how there would be parking for them. But the place that Topper is building is definitely NOT owned by El Zafiro, if that's what they were implying.
Carol yes those were complete in October and the tower was pretty cool to go watch the planes. The way she explained it was they were fixing the building beside them for more units and that the pool would go between the two buildings. Parking will be an issue especially if they have the buses going in and out.
Those dilapidated buildings already in place on the beach? Ok, that sort of makes more sense than to build more buildings there, with no space to put them.
exactly the dilapidated buildings already there I like the idea but I don't think they need a pool or the BUSES .. Probably would not stay there again because of the buses .. too bad we loved the beach, loved our room, loved having the bar right there and restaurant. Some of the food was good some just so so… the breakfast was great included in your package
Agreed, I would hate the busses also. Personally I dislike the décor of the place, but that's personal preference. Much prefer the Caribbean feel of Beachside.
Never really understood the appeal of el zaffro. Just to plain rooms, nothing special and a bit to small. Plus they encourage the cruise ship people Which is just plain aggravating. Just did 2 nights there. Much prefer bsv when with our grown kids or Mary’s Boon has great rooms, beach, food and staff.
Louise--no. If you are at BSV, once you go past the restaurant at El Zafiro, there are a couple of low slung buildings on the beach, all the way at the end, very close to where that stairway was that went up to the condos at the end of Simpson Bay, up on the cliff. Not sure if the stairs is still there or not? If you don't know where I'm talking about, will try to see if I have any pictures that show those buildings. From BSV, you really kind of need a long lens on the camera to see them clearly. That ugly white building is owned by someone else. Think I heard it was a doctor from the states? I personally have never seen anyone around that building.
Lesley--I think my post above is pretty clear... The white building is right next to Beachside. Then you have the wide open beach, and there are a couple of buildings ALL the way down the beach. Then up on the hill, you have the condos. Don't understand your question.
Not sure where exactly they're referring to, but property to their right (as you face the ocean) is going to be Drake Condos which I think is already sold out....
That whole area is getting quite congested as it is. So, I'm not much of a fan of what's going on there. I was there in April and October/November staying at BSV. It's absolutely terrible when a bus comes in. Those buses are so big, they take up the whole road going in and out. Very difficult to even pull over on the side of the road to let them go by. And yes, parking as it is, is already full when I look driving by. El Z. has gotten quite popular. I've only been for drinks a couple of times and it was nice. But I've heard pretty mixed reviews on the food. I will say one thing for them, They seem to have lasted a lot longer than anyone else that has attempted to do business there.
Here ya g Carol. Leslie, I think she is referring to the brown ones, which I’m not sure how in the world they could even turn those into extra rooms. But hey, who knows, anything is possible.
Funny thing is, everyone talks about those buses, and sometimes they are a pain, but it’s El Z that has a contract with several cruise companies, not all. Same contract that sunset beach bar has. Here is a hint, look at the chairs and umbrellas, they were all provided by these companies. It’s a way in which the all work together to provide a place for a short excursion for the passengers. Not to mention, it’s probably what is keeping El Z’s afloat. Just thought I would throw that in.
SXMFox--thanks for the pics. That's where I was referring to, although I always thought those buildings were more orange than brown. And I think you're probably right, that the busses are what has kept them in business. The food has always been kind of so-so in my opinion. The location is the best thing they have going for them, WHEN there are no busses in.
BeachKitten posted some pix for me from my last March trip report which has close up of those two brown wooden building near the staircase but I don'y know how to reach to find it. Some one who walked dogs on the beach each morning told me those building were privately owned, one a doctor and not owned by ElZafiro.
BeachKitten posted some pix for me from my last March trip report which has close up of those two brown wooden building near the staircase but I don'y know how to reach to find it. Some one who walked dogs on the beach each morning told me those building were privately owned, one a doctor and not owned by ElZafiro.
I just happened to be in the photo gallery compiling my own report, so pulled your pics out!
"It is good to do nothing all day, and then to rest"
RonDon--The last I knew El Zafiro doesn't OWN the property where the hotel is. It's kind of an odd thing on SXM, that in some cases, the LAND is owned by someone and someone else builds buildings on it. The real estate used to be owned by a lady named Jessica, from way back, probably still is. Jessica ran the hotel as White Sands Hotel or something similar. Then the fellow from St. Barts came in and put a boatload of money into the hotel and then left/sold out/whatever, and Jessica took back the hotel. Then I think there was another name for the hotel, before the current owners of the hotel took over. As far as the owner of the brown (orange??) buildings, I'm not sure whether those were owned by Jessica or someone else. My suspicion, since the folks from EL Z said they 'owned' the brown/orange buildings, is that they were (and probably are) owned by Jessica also. A doctor owns the big white ugly building between Beachside and El Z.
Lesley--thanks for the info, on both accounts. We were at Beachside in October, but I realize now we didn't even walk down to where the white building is, so perhaps it was remodeled as of then.
We were there last week of October and were told by the receptionist that they were going to add 6 or 7 new rooms to the hotel in the building next to beachside . As far as El Zafiro goes we like the way it operates the rooms are very good the views are very good the breakfast are very good , we had diner there and it was very good and the price for the rooms are very reasonable . I’m sure that they survive because of they contacts with the cruise lines so let it be . We were there last year , this year and will be back next year .
"the building next to Beachside"?? I really don't think so.
Exactly. The white one next to BSV is privately owned. (Dr.?)
Drew told us last month that it was a man who bought it and then his son was killed in a tragic accident. He never went back and it just sits there.
We heard the same thing from the man who owns the only outrightly owned unit at BSV. We gave him a ride one day to Jules and got the impression he owned that bakery as well. He showed us the inside of that unit (#11?) and I thought it was too modern, actually ugly by my standards. His pitch was we should consider it as a rental instead of BSV. I'm like Carol in that I want the caribbean feel that the units at BSV have. IT's also why we don't stay at Divi anymore once they made it so modern inside.