Honestly Lesley, I saw one restaurant had a Christmas dinner priced at $95per person and I thought that was off the charts. I see Jax is $150 per person but it does include a glass of champagne. Sorry, I would not pay that price. I would go to Mark's Place or Sublime and call it an evening.
We had a good meal at Palapa and also Moulin Fou but not sure what they NYE deal might be.
Well , can't because Son , daughter and her boyfriend will be there ; hence the prices are outrageous plus service charge. We are thinking about what to do . Thanks,
I feel that way about the rates at The Horny Toad. Off season - $130/night. High season - $240/night. Why??? Rooms are the same, amenities are the same. Doesn't make sense to me.
I guess it is like Wendell said. Personally, I would not pay that price nor would I for NYE. Kind of like what used to be known as "red weeks" in the timeshare industry, more demand or desirable time and less supply. High season still seems to be when HT is full.
You should see what some hotels do with rates when there is a big dog event near them.
It's no different anywhere you go. Just look at the accepted rate differences for rooms. High season has higher nightly rates than low season. If you book a cruise on a holiday week such as Christmas, New Years, Thanksgiving etc you pay upwards of two times for the same cruise the week before. As Wendell stated, it's because people will pay for it.
I remember way back on the Millennium, we got on a waiting list in order to book AA tickets to SXM. Paid something like $1000 a person for air from the DC area, which was about twice the normal rate. We stayed at Club O, which at that time was still owned by the Brinks. They charged their NORMAL rates for that time period. And we ate there at the buffet for dinner. The price was nothing outrageous at all, maybe $35 a person, including party favors and a midnight toast. I have always appreciated the fact that the Brinks did not gouge people at that time. I remember some of the restaurants down the beach charging absolutely outrageous sums for the dinner that evening. It was truly a magical evening, with fireworks all up and down Orient Beach, and waking up the next morning with confetti in all kinds of odd places!!
For those who own their own business, make while you can but be fair to your customers and you won't lose them. On the opposite end of the spectrum, does anyone complain when the restaurant has to offer summer prix-fix just to get guests through the door. Everyone has their thing for which money is no object, and I would pay anything for a nice evening out. Don't complain about the prices, just go somewhere in your budget.
In the past restaurants would post on facebook their NYE events and dinner package. This year there is nothing being posted? I would call your favorite places where you regularly go and ask them if they are open New Years Eve and make reservations...
I have seen more than one Christmas or NYE package posted on various FB pages and the prices are just as Lesley described.
Sale & Pepe has one as does Jax to name a couple. Roxxy Beach is doing something with a $30 cover after 10 pm and bottles of alcohol at highly inflated prices.