So glad you liked it! We discovered it one night with the McKnights and Kim. Six different meals and all great. We went back at least twice after that and we will surely go there in April.
"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them."
Anyone have a phone number of Sublime plus an email address. Looked online and still getting the old information. Is it also the same owner/chef who came over from India and worked at Temptation? Thx.
Anyone have a phone number of Sublime plus an email address. Looked online and still getting the old information. Is it also the same owner/chef who came over from India and worked at Temptation? Thx.
They have a FB page that appears to be current. SUBLIME
From what the chef told us, he worked with Dino at Temptation/Rare and he appears to be from India.
It is not too far from White Swan if you know where that is. Basically between the bridge and the end of the runway but a couple of streets back off the main road.
Oh smart phones are another whole subject! Hopefully this restaurant survives long enough for us to try it next May. Places have a way of coming and going on SXM.
Enjoyed three great meals there recently. Two brothers run it, Das and Lal. They would love to find a better location but are making splendid food at a modest location. Parking on the street.
There is another restaurant in the building where Uncle Harry was. Part of the problem (I believe) was he had a son or daughter running it, not sure how on top of things they were. One constant with almost any restaurant, especially on SXM, is and owner on the premises most of the time.
Does that include their time at the Summit? I remember reading about it when they opened there but we never had the opportunity to try them out. So glad to have rediscovered their newer location.
"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them."
I believe 2 years at Summit and they opened current location as soon as they could after Irma. Bruce at Summit salvaged the few things he could for them from hurricane rubble.
And I can easily see why you would. It’s a great little place with a very good menu and excellent pricing. And to make it even better, the food is awesome!
"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them."
You know, it's funny, it seems like Jordan Village is becoming the new 'hot spot'. I wonder though, if it's not already, whether there soon will be problems parking there..
I am going back a lot of years with this memory. Is this in the same area where there was a pool hall that had karaoke? I seem to have a recollection of ending up there one evening in the late 90’s. Is that possible?
We were told the actual building that today is home to Sublime once was home to an auto repair establishment and in another lifetime it was actually a pool hall so I guess it’s possible!
"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them."