We picked up a ball at Oil Nut Bay yesterday afternoon and were the only ones there. One big yacht at the owner's dock. Not surprising as the couple that recommended we go were also the only ones there the night they went, but they stayed on the transient dock.
We radioed for a dinner reservation and ate at 6:30 pm. We tried to pay for the mooring but they had nobody to accept the money. I suggested we just put it in an envelope and someone hold it for the right person the following day but they wouldn't take it. They asked us to come back in the morning after 8:00 am.
We explained we were going diving at 8:00 am and would be back around noon. It was a hassle to make a needless trip back to the dock, but that we'd do it if it was the only way. So we left the dinghy down overnight and made the trip there at noon and they still didn't have anyone we could pay! My husband left his name, email, and phone number and we left for Anegada.
At the very least they could have envelopes and a drop slot if they don't want to designate a single staff member there at all times to take mooring money.
The food was great and husband loved the drinks (I'm not a drinker) but small portions led to a big bill. Our charter company wouldn't let us go through the channel from the North Sound so we took a small (but marked) channel from the north. Shallowest spot we saw on the depth sounder was 7 feet and change.
The first ball you'll see is a big ball for big boats, so if you're under 60 feet or so, be sure to pass by that one. Not that I'd know from personal experience - or a bent boat hook!