Does anyone have any thoughts or updates on the sands (now rocks) at Sunset Beach Bar. Everyone has their favorite place to go in SXM and this is mine. Every trip we spend at least 1 day on the beach watching the planes come in. It’s so sad to just see rocks. Thoughts?
Whatever it is today, it may be different tomorrow or even later today. The sand comes and goes at all beaches but seems to be more exaggerated at Maho.
I am well aware that sand comes and goes at all beaches. The sand at THIS beach is gone and has been for many many months, and to my recollection it has never been this bad for this long of a period of time.
Many many months? No, there has been lots of sand there recently. And lots of rocks the next day. A few weeks ago they had the dozer out taking the sand from the road so people could pass. It's all up to Mother Nature.
Last edited by BillandElaine; 10/25/201907:25 AM.
Elaine ********************************* God Bless the broken road....
I look at the website every day and have done so for the past 6 months. I probably have more focus on it than others since it is my favorite destination. Yes, many many months.
I look at the website every day and have done so for the past 6 months. I probably have more focus on it than others since it is my favorite destination. Yes, many many months.
You are aware that Bill and Elaine live on the island and probably have very up to date information? Again, the sand comes and goes and it will continue to do so.
OK. Thanks for the feedback. I am going to start taking pics every day and see what happens over the next few months. The Sunset Beach bar must be setting their camera on a loop and showing the same beach video every day because what I am viewing is obviously out of date according to you. Thanks again. I will make a video montage in 3 or 4 months and either I will prove to myself that I am correct, or completely out of touch with reality.
What I am seeing right now shows some sand towards Driftwood boat bar but rocks towards Sunset. There is a date stamp on the Sunset webcam that appears to be today and live. It is likely to change multiple times within the next few months.
Yes, we are looking at the same exact live video with time stamps on it. Have you looked at it every day for the last 3 months? Be patient and wait to see how it changes over the next 3 months via my daily tracking put to sped up video on YouTube. I would be HAPPY to be wrong. Thanks.
Yes, we are looking at the same exact live video with time stamps on it. Have you looked at it every day for the last 3 months? Be patient and wait to see how it changes over the next 3 months via my daily tracking put to sped up video on YouTube. I would be HAPPY to be wrong. Thanks.
No, I do not look at it daily but I do see pictures and talk to people who live on the island and the beach comes and goes like it always does and it has NOT been without sand for many, many months. As Elaine stated, a few weeks ago, machinery had to move sand that washed over the road.
I am going down in 2 weeks and will see for myself but whatever the status of Maho is today will have little bearing on what it is when I am there or months from now.
It's amazing how mother nature works. It's been a long time since there was enough sand for the chairs at the Sunset Bar to be put out. It's only a matter of time till it comes back and covers the area again. Unfortunately for those that want to sit/lounge on the beach near the bar for beverages have to sit in the bar.
CmVan--You know that worrying about the sand is kind of like worrying about the weather? You can't change what happens regardless. But when you get down to it, if you're there, you're still in SXM, regardless of whether you are sitting on the sand, or sitting up at the bar. It's pretty cool, regardless. Enjoy!
I apologize to everyone for making this post and I promise I will never post again asking for others thoughts.
I simply asked for any updates or thoughts on the rocks and what I get back is that I am somehow worried??
It’s interesting that SXMScubaman has observed the same thing that I have for the last couple of months and EscapingCold posted 3 definitive pictures of the rocks but BillandElaine drive by it every day and see sand?
Yes, nature is amazing and so are many people’s perceptions.
Yes, they did have to move some sand from the road on the opppsite end from the Beach Bar a month or two ago, but the end close to the bar has only had rocks for a long time.
Started checking it often after a storm bared rocks all the way to Driftwood Boat Bar. Sand is slowly coming back an Driftwood side has plenty of people beaching it. Sand was present almost to centerline of runway.
I apologize to everyone for making this post and I promise I will never post again asking for others thoughts.
I simply asked for any updates or thoughts on the rocks and what I get back is that I am somehow worried??
It’s interesting that SXMScubaman has observed the same thing that I have for the last couple of months and EscapingCold posted 3 definitive pictures of the rocks but BillandElaine drive by it every day and see sand?
Yes, nature is amazing and so are many people’s perceptions.
Good Day all 👍
I have to agree with you (and Scubaman). I check this webcam everyday (sometimes even a few times) to get my Sxm fix. Actually I was almost ready to post the same question. We all know sand comes and goes but I have never seen rocks there this long. Just an observation, no big deal!
Sorry your post got so many responces that were unfavorable to you. Hope you stay with this forum as it is a great source of island information. It should not be needed but sometimes having a thick skin helps. Stick with it.
I know the exact location that you are referring to. If you look today, there is more visible sand in that spot although not enough for them to open the loungers.
The sand comes comes goes....and so on....... One never knows from day to day what will be with the sand situation. You can have a full beach there one day......and the next it is totally gone!! I have witnessed that many times over the years.
Correct....but it has been rocks for quite some time and it is decent to see it start to return....over the last 20 or so years I have seen both rocks and sand
As I said in one of the other threads, It's been slowly coming back all week. It's great to see. The surf has been pretty rough around here all week. The waves have been going over the road, so just about every day, they've had a loader clearing the sand in the road.