So if we were going to orient beach today, sand gravity and all. Which beach bar would you have lunch and why and what did you order? (Excluding the perch, just us. I know it’s liked by many on here and truly understand)
EVERYTHING is open on Sunday there! Bikini, Kakao, Kontiki, La Playa, etc.
Personally, I am a KKO person. But that is just me. You'd have to read/remember my trip report from May/June to see pics of food. Rose wine. GP at the bar. Oh gosh, I cannot wait another 49 days!!
"It is good to do nothing all day, and then to rest"
Sunday lunch is always the biggest day for locals on the French side, it seems. I like KKO also, but next trip I'm hoping to get to LaPlaya. I haven't heard any reports really since they reopened, finally, late this summer.
I prefer KKO also, but Kontiki is also very nice and if you plan to take a walk in your birthday suits it's a short walk over to the Club O. area beach. Keep in mind that the new KKO is way up there on the northern end of Orient Beach and seemed kind of isolated to me. But, they always have good food & drink there.