Coming back to the ferry, after flying from SJU for our recent charters, for our next charter in October. Our last experience we purchased ferry tickets on the day we returned the boat at the Moorings base, spent the night at the Mariners Inn and went to the ferry early the next morning. The lot outside the ferry building was jam packed and we were told the ferry was full. No refund on the tickets but we were able to purchase tickets for the West End ferry leaving shortly. Frantic taxi ride to West End and made it in time but we're told those tickets are no good so we purchase more tickets and make it to STT in time for flights but in a frazzled state. That said, I notice in my recent research on the ferries, they offer a reservation system. Does it really help? Will they actually reserve you a seat?
We have made ferry reservations every time. Marjorie with Island Magic has helped us. It seems that it is not a specific time and boat per say, but if you miss a connection they will get you on the next available ferry. Usually we arrive Delta about 120. We have never made the 230 ferry, but there is one that leaves at 3. On the way back its usually the 11am. I'm sure there are bad experiences, but we have had good luck with this one. Enjoy
I'd like to be a jelly fish, cause jelly fish don't pay rent.
Thanks guys, appreciate your help. Question: Looked up Island Magic and still not sure what they do. Island tours or an actual ferry service or affiliated with the existing ferry services? What do they charge?
If you look up Smith's Ferry Service or Tortola Fast Ferry, that is Marjorie. She is most helpful. She has been most helpful to me over the years and we have become friends over the years. Her email is If you have any issues, let me know I can text her and she can get to you. She is in the middle of getting Bomba Charger back into the schedule. The few pictures I have are from the sea trials. She's in the middle of USCG inspections and should have the Bomba up and running soon. Since the storms, she has lost everything. Including her father. So this is a major step in their recovery. I hope the pictures come through on this post.
I spent all my money on "Boats", "Broads", and "Booze"; the rest I wasted!
Yes, got the photos, thanks. I will definitely contact her. All the crew are newbies so as much of the hassles, problems and trip interruptions I can avoid would be a plus. Guess that applies to any trip but I'll have issues enough without travel headaches. Again many thanks.
Never made reservations(based on advice of many). Taxi from airport and purchase 1 way ticket on "Next ferry leaving".
Returning from Tortola, I had purchased a "round trip ticket" in STT, but all that does is allows you to stand in line, give that "round trip ticket" and then pay for bags... so no time savings there.. And if that ferry unavailable (full or canceled), then you have a paid ticket that you cannot use... Not worth the $5 or so that a Roundtrip ticket costs.
What Wes says..only ever buy a one way ticket and take the first boat going..been doing it since 1984.BTW Red Hook now has Immigration and Customs so no stopping at St John..a nice option IMHO..especially as Inter Island goes that route and they are reliable and accomodating..
Never made reservations(based on advice of many). Taxi from airport and purchase 1 way ticket on "Next ferry leaving".
Returning from Tortola, I had purchased a "round trip ticket" in STT, but all that does is allows you to stand in line, give that "round trip ticket" and then pay for bags... so no time savings there.. And if that ferry unavailable (full or canceled), then you have a paid ticket that you cannot use... Not worth the $5 or so that a Roundtrip ticket costs.
remember to check and see if they offer a senior discount. My husband was pleased as punch one year when he had his birthday while we were there and he got to use it on the return