Looking at going to Anegada for the first time. My Navionics app is showing depths in the mooring field of 4.9 feet. Is that correct? Our draft is 5.5'. Any suggestions?
Thanks everyone. I do have Walkers Anegada Chart which is why the readings from Navionics confused me. I wonder mine is saying 4.9 feet right in the middle of the field? Regardless looking forward to our 1st visit.
Before Irma a 7’ draft was doable on the balls furthest out. If you took a closer one you would bump. There’s good holding before you arrive the mooring balls if you draw 8 or 9’
Thanks everyone. I do have Walkers Anegada Chart which is why the readings from Navionics confused me. I wonder mine is saying 4.9 feet right in the middle of the field? Regardless looking forward to our 1st visit.
I have attached my Navionics here...as Sail445 indicates just south of the field is deeper water with good holding.
Before Irma a 7’ draft was doable on the balls furthest out. If you took a closer one you would bump. There’s good holding before you arrive the mooring balls if you draw 8 or 9’
I don’t think Irma changed anything but years ago the deepest balls were those closest into shore. The balls got about 18” shallower as you moved out.
We spent 4 days there a few weeks ago in 5.5' draft monohull. after carefully cruising the four front (toward the entrance channel) rows of balls we found the best depth was in the middle few rows going toward the outside (away from the restaurants) of the mooring field. It started to shallow up again in the last row outside. While we were there a Moorings cat went aground toward the middle-back (away from the entrance channel) of the mooring field. They were there all day with the current pushing them on until a service boat arrived to pull them off. I was surprised by the number of folks entering the mooring field at relatively high speed in some large cats and also also at others cutting inside the last green channel marker. Take your time, stick to the channel and be careful and you shouldn't have a problem. There were several large monohulls anchored in front of the mooring field (where we were showing 8' + depth) without any problems so that may also be a good option for you.
3 visits in the last month with 5ft 8 draft. No bumps.
We calibrated the echo manually with string/spanner/mask and found this made the whole thing a lot less stressful! Being able to rely on the numbers on the LCD screen!
We moored on one occasion to the ball closest to Anegada Reef Hotel and depth fine.
Always jumped in to check after mooring and always plenty of room.
Remember 12inch tidal range.
And remember you can always anchor at Pomato Point. We did this year. Holding superb. Depth great. sid's restaurant best dinner on the island.
With the right weather...Anegada is to be respected, not feared.
We moored south of wonky dog pretty much in the middle of the mooring field where it was 9 ft. After coming through the channel and motoring through the mooring field the lowest my depth sounder showed was 3.5 ft from the keels and I had a 4 foot draft so roughly 8.5 ft. Not saying that's the shallowest it is there but that's the shallowest I saw.
I know someone referenced Walker's site before but this is what I use to append my Navionics...incidentally the new powercats from Moorings use Navionics now
...our guests this year found it quite a shock to jump off the bathing platform once we were moored to a ball and have their feet dig straight into the silty-sandy-glue-like seabed. I think we need a 'No Diving' sign for the boat for next year!
We followed the channel, sharp turn to port round the final starboard marker and then a direct line to the front (Eastern) balls in the field. There is a shallow spot half way between that starboard marker and the mooring field.
Tight, but fine in fair weather in a Jeanneau 479.