It was really, really good and the sunsets are hard to beat. The downside is there's not much to do there and the mooring balls are a bit exposed so you get a pretty active night.
We stayed overnight at Leverick Bay. We rented a car from Mahogany car rental. They delivered the vehicle to Leverick for 8am. In the morning we took the car to the baths. Breakfast at the top of the baths. Then a trip through the caves etc. We stopped at Mad Dogs and picked up sandwiches for a picknick lunch at Savannah Bay (inside the shaded shelter on the beach). Back to the boat in the afternoon and a little later we drove to coco maya. Lots to do with that plan.
Warren S/V Scuba Doo Lagoon 50 (winner of best crewed yacht under 55 feet at the St. Thomas crewed yacht boat show).
That's what we've always done. Leverick, rental car and dinner at Coco Maya. We typically would do two nights so we'd have one at Coco Maya and the other for the Jumbies.
When staying 2 nights at Leverick Bay, What time do you leave your 1st night BoatyBall to get on a FCFS ball.... or do you reserve BoatyBall for 2 nights?
Well, the approach that we use is to boycott boatyball for the tried and true fcfs ball. It's far more reliable. What happens if I am expecting to pick up friends at beef island at 3pm then head to our reserved boatyball. I guess I would get up at 6am to get ready to supply boatyball with my private information including my credit card particulars. Then while waiting I have a coffee to reduce the street associated with the potential for boatyball to suffer a security breach and inadvertently participate in my information getting into the hands of bad guys. I wonder how much money boatyball spends on data security. Anyway, I am one of the lucky few. On my third refresh I manage to nab last remaining boatyball. Then my luck turns. Say at noon, I get an email from the friend that they are delayed and will now arrive at eis at 6pm. Oh no. How do I pick them up at 6pm and get to leverick before dark? Do I travel In the dark and contrary to my charter contract? The answer to my hypothetical question is I don't make it to leverick and the money spent on boatyball is a waste. I get to pay for another mooring for the night.
For reasons such as this, I don't use boatyball. It does not solve problems. It only changes the nature of them.
Boatyball won't work with the car rental either, unless you are lucky enough to get the same ball for 2 nights. Otherwise you would waste hours waiting for your second nights ball to be vacated before you could start your land tour.
So we stay on the same fcfs ball for 2 nights with no issues, no boatyball and no stress.
Last edited by warren460; 05/17/201911:32 PM.
Warren S/V Scuba Doo Lagoon 50 (winner of best crewed yacht under 55 feet at the St. Thomas crewed yacht boat show).
I rarely know until about noon where I will spend the evening. To many things change. Wind and weather can have a big effect on overnights. Makes boatyball not very useful to me. The loss of FCFS balls however is a huge detriment. As my charter contract is ending it’s one of several changes in the BVI leading me to favor a non renewal at this time. If I do renew boatyball will be one of my negotiating points in demanding a better contract. So in that regard I might get some benefit.
I rarely know until about noon where I will spend the evening. To many things change. Wind and weather can have a big effect on overnights. Makes boatyball not very useful to me. The loss of FCFS balls however is a huge detriment. As my charter contract is ending it’s one of several changes in the BVI leading me to favor a non renewal at this time. If I do renew boatyball will be one of my negotiating points in demanding a better contract. So in that regard I might get some benefit.
Hi George, I'm just curious but who do you have a boat in charter with and how would that contract relate to Boatyball use?
The existence of boatyball impairs the pleasure of sailing in the bvi. Hence George and others may consider deploying their capital elsewhere.
I don’t want to start anything again, but you could also see it as a way of allowing you to spend more time on the water sailing and doing other things. You don’t need to come off the water at 2 to snag a mooring if you have one reserved.
We spend as much time on the water and enjoy the sailing as much as the shoreside and swimming activities. I would rather have no boatyballs and always arrive a prudent amount of time before dark so as to allow plan B.
For example if Cooper has no fcfs moorings as will happen far more frequently now that boatyball removed them, then we can anchor over at haulovers Bay, move to marina Cay for a ball or anchor their as well. If none of those options work, then we can get a ball at trellis Bay.
If at leverick and there are not enough fcfs balls due to boatyball taking away fcfs balls, then there are lots of places to anchor around north sound.
At anegada, wonky dog is adding more fcfs balls. But if there are no fcfs balls then there are several places to anchor. Note that I did not blame boatyball because they oy have 5 balls there
In summary, boatyball does not mean we cannot stay on the water past 2pm. Alec's suggestion is total rubbish.
Last edited by warren460; 05/18/201910:45 AM.
Warren S/V Scuba Doo Lagoon 50 (winner of best crewed yacht under 55 feet at the St. Thomas crewed yacht boat show).