As mentioned in an earlier post we are taking a few first timers sailing next year. (total 4 couples/8 people). I have come up with the budget below. This was based on one meal ashore a day, not all suppers. I realize everyone spends different amounts, but I trying to somewhat manage expectations. This was also intended to be in Canadian Currency. So I am hoping these numbers are high. I realize this very much a moving target. So I am trying to work that out. Looking at a 48 ' cat, flying Toronto-Saint Thomas I can't get the format working, the first number is per couple, the second number per person.
Any editorials appreciated.
Item Group Per Couple Per Person Boat&Fees (11000) 2750 1375 Airfare 1500 750 Ferry 240 120 Taxi 100 50 Car rental 50 25 Balls 70 35 Ice/Garbage 20 10 Departure Tax 100 50 Fuel/Water 20 10 Restaurants 700 350 Food 200 100 Hotels (2 nights) 500 250 Pre Supplies Souvenirs Total 6250 3125
I like your list and trying to budget. We are sailing in May and this will be our 8th trip. My wife is in charge of the Kitty for the trip. In our early years we would get so frustrated when the skipper said we needed to add more money to the kitty mid week because they under estimated what things would cost. When we started running our own boat, we were determined to not have to ask for any more money during the trip. We get it pretty close and have been able to give money back to each couple or splurge on dinner the last night with the kitty going towards the bill. Here is how we budget for a 10 day trip. Taxi- $150 (airport to ferry was $15 pp each way; around Road Town (a few blocks was $5 pp) are you going to Anegada? Moorings/Balls- $30- 40 a night per mooring. Not sure how many nights you plan to go and will you include a dock night like Scrub or Leverick? Ice- $35 pp. You will constantly be getting ice! Trash- $8 pp Water- $15 pp (Very subjective to how often and how long your crew showers. We typically fill up twice in the trip.) Fuel- $75 pp (Depends if you have a generator, how often you motor, charge the batteries, etc. We topped off twice) Restaurants- we are budgeting $125-150 per couple per restaurant. Don't forget money for Bars/happy hour. This doesn't go in the kitty. Food- We only plan to eat dinner out twice. We also take our own meats, some dry goods, and snacks. The costs in the BVI are a lot more than local. Go onto Riteway's grocery store to compare. With that said we still budget $225 pp for the 10 days. This amount includes alcohol.
For this trip, my wife guess-timated a little more than the last time we were down in 2015. Inflation! Have fun planning! Hope this helps!
We generally list items as "per person" or "per boat". Trying to make sure those on a more limited budget are aware of what is covered by the "Kitty". We generally do not include meals ashore, but note the cost of entrees at the restaurants we are considering.
Items included in kitty include meats from US(250), Riteway($500), Alcohol($250) , fuel($350), ice($80), (Water not needed as Sea Tiger has watermaker), trash($20), taxi (STT and Roadtown)(40 per person), rental car (1 day Anegada $85), fuel ($350), Dock Hand tips($40), Mooring fees ($210).
Specifically listed as "Not included" in above are shore meals, shore drinks, Ferry fees, 3 meals ashore (Arrival night, and 2 other islands, including 1 "lobster dinner".
I have all listed in 2 columns of excel but could not attach. Obviously, anything not covered by kitty reduces the kitty expenses and shifts to per person. Ferry often paid by credit cards and thus left out of kitty. Also shore meals/drinks vary widely by individuals and thus felt to be best requesting separate checks.
I would say that $6250 per couple would be pretty reasonable when splitting the charter 4 ways. The way we handle the "common" items of the boat is really basic but works great. We keep a pen and pad in the salon throughout the trip. If a couple pays for something (mooring, ice, trash, groceries, etc) that is for the whole boat then it get written in your column. At the end of the trip we balance out who owes what and make one payment to even it out between everyone on board. We also do as Deepcut mentioned and pay for drinks/dinner ashore individually or just split the check evenly and call it a day.