Ok, I decided to screw the laundry and do a trip report. Third trip to SXM but 1st report:<br><br>We had to be at Logan at 4:00 am Saturday so we stayed at the Embassy Suites at the aiport. Placed a wake-up call for 3:00 am. Never got it. Fortunately, Bill woke up at 4:20 am and made it to the airport on time. Last in line but who cares. Hubby was incensed though and swears we'll sell our stock in this conglomerate. I'm sure they'll be devasted by the loss of our ten shares.<br><br>Flight was pleasant and uneventful. The flight staff on Iceland Air couldn't have been more gracious.<br><br>Arrived SXM 11:00 am, found rep from Kenney's (TTOL recommended), he handed us car keys. Didn't have to show license or paperwork. Just said he would meet us at Maho and set us up; all of about two minutes worth.<br><br>Maho let us into the room immediately so we threw on the shorts and were ready to go. Stopped across the street at Cheri's and had a quick snack and a couple drinks with umbrellas. Checked out the changes on the resort since we were last there five years ago. Went into the Grand Royale casino for a bit.<br><br>Went to the Cheap Carribbean.com party at the Buccaneer Beach Bar. Great to put some faces on the nom de plumes. We got there a bit late and someone mentioned there was a raffle. Purchased four tickets for $20. They announced the winner so I crumpled up my tickets and threw them in the ash tray at the bar. A little bit later they announced they were going to give away another timeshare and you guessed it, ME<br><br>
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Thank goodness the tickets hadn't been tossed yet.
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We were pretty wiped out after that and three hours sleep so we headed back to the Maho, had a couple great chicken dishes at Cheri's, couple hours in the casino and konked out.<br><br>Sunday we decided to take a trip around the island. Car was dead. We had left the headlights on all night. The good people at the Maho, Neville and Peterson in the garage went out of their way to track down some cables and got us up and running. Took a ride around the entire island and stopped in Marigot for a quick bite and little shopping.<br><br>Went to the Atlantis for dinner in the Italian restaurant. We both had chicken parm. A bit overdone. Should have taken my list of TTOL restaurants which had recommended Temptation at the Atlantis. Oh well. Did a bit of gambling at the Atlantis casino.<br><br>Monday we vegged by the pool and the ocean and went for pizza at the Maho, Pizza Trattoria, or something like that. Pizza was excellent. Did some gambling at the Dolphin Casino.<br><br>Tuesday, did some more sightseeing and stopped at the Hot Tomatoes party. Excellent snacks and drinks. Met a number of the TTOL gang and had some great laughs. PS Jeff and Deepti, we were only kidding about NY, there's a long running rivalry between Boston and NY so we were sneaking in a little jibe at the large NY contingent who were a lot of fun. <br><br>Went to Indian Breeze restaurant for dinner where Bill proposed five years ago. Had a wonderful beef medallion dinner with a bottle of the bubbly. Truly a wonderful and romantic atmosphere.<br><br>Wednesday we headed to Phillipsburg. Bill signed up for the America's Cup races. I passed since I don't do anything willingly that makes me sweat especially on vacation. He met a great bunch from the Royal Islander next to the Maho and his boat won so he was sky high.<br><br>Went to the parade which was fantastic. We were pretty wiped out by then and tried to head back but were blocked in. So, we decided to grab an early dinner at the Greenhouse. We ordered simple fare but it was delicious.<br><br>Thursday we did some more vegging, a little gambling. Bill is a big Reggae fan so we decided to go to the barbecue and reggae concert advertised at Bamboo Bernies. I'm not a big barbecue fan but hubby loved it. This is where it got bizarre. We went to the bar and ordered a couple drinks. I stopped in the Ladies Room where a drug deal appeared to be going down (I'm child of the 70s so it wasn't a totally foreign site). Went back to the bar where what a very young lady who looked like Helen Hunt was dancing extremely provocatively by herself in front of us and several young men and couples. There then appeared what appeared to be her Sales Manager for lack of a better title approaching some of the men. I then observed what appeared to be another drug deal right in the open at the bar. Time to go. <br><br>Friday we did some shopping, some gambling and a little bit of sightseeing. Headed to the Peg Leg for dinner and couldn't find it. Didn't realize it was in a small strip mall. Stopped at the Texaco station to get directions and a gentlemen gassing up his car overheard our question. He told us to follow him since he was the chef! We had the recommended filets and some great onion rings. Our thanks to Danny, Sean and Chelsea. Great meal!<br><br>I haven't mentioned service in any of my posts because it was fantastic everywhere. In some instances it may be because we are pretty heavy tippers but a lot of the waistaff would not know that. <br><br>Saturday turned in the car, about three whole minutes. Only chink was the check-in. We were on a charter and it took them a couple hours to get everyone checked. At Logan, they were inundated with flights so we had to sit on the plane while customs was cleared out. Got home about midnight.<br><br>It was an absolutely wonderful trip. Met a lot of great people; we remember some of the names but not all so I won't even try. I would have lost my own conceived contest by a mile.<br><br>Thanks again for all the great information and we're definitely going back again...and again...and again. Best to all, Sandy and Bill
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