I am so jealous of my friends at Leverick this past New Years Eve. I wanted to share that Rebecca in the office, Tito and Leroy on the dock, and Upstairs Restaurant were all amazing per their report. The slip on the dock was reserved just as they requested, rental vehicle was booked, New years at Upstairs were all fantastic. Darn …. I wish I was there. Rebecca stated it was perhaps their best year ever, and I'm sure she is looking for a R&R, as the rest of the staff. "Somewhere Sandy', a 48 out of Voyage, was on the dock, and 'Grateful Dad' picked-up the last mooring ball (although no pennant). No Nick this trip, although apparently he and Monica have set the standard for customer service. Oh, they didn't say what the marina charges were ….. I guess whatever, it was fine.
Last edited by NoelHall; 01/03/2019 09:24 PM.