We went to bed early Thursday because we had to be up and have the kids at Skipjacks at 7:30 to meet Capt Neil for their graduation sail on the Celine.
We did this all day sail several years ago and just loved it and hoped they would to. He is such a wonderful man but I think the kids were a bit skeptical when they realized they were the only ones their age. Things work out though don't they?
We sent them on their way and it was only 7:30!! Headed to breakfast..fresh pastries and coffee. Headed to Baie Rouge..of course first one's there for hours! We enjoyed reading and being by ourselves but people started filtering in. Had lunch at Raymond's. Oh my gosh the fish sandwich was amazing! It was grilled on a foot long roll with onions, lettuce and tomatoes with a vinagrette..Yum. Heaven.
We left there about 3 and headed to Cupecoy. Never been and wanted to see. Had Danny's Rum punch! What are the units right there on the beach with infinity pools?..very nice! Water was gorgeous and stayed too long..realized I was burnt <img src="http://www.traveltalkonline.com/forums/images/graemlins/Yikes.gif" alt="" /> Got stuck in the traffic heading back but managed to get there to see them sail in. They had a wonderful time and loved their sail mates. Thanks Capt. Neil!
We had brought with us tenderloin steaks and corn and butterbeans from our garden and paired with some rice we had a wonderful meal on the deck. Don't know how we're going to leave