Saturday, November 2nd
Early morning, we met Jeff Jhangiani at Sunny Foods in Philipsburg. Today was shopping for all the November grocery needs of a foster home that currently has 19 children and needs help. We filled up the carts, checked out, loaded two cars. This was such a rewarding experience, and part of our way of giving back to St. Maarten and the community. In June we supplied the COME Center soup kitchen, so this trip was a different location in need. If you like to say you are helping SXM recover from Irma and would like some ideas, contact me please. Mamma Webster is doing this with limited assistance. The SXM Rotary Club has really helped them as well. ((BTW, if anyone is on island 11/21 there is a toy drive at Snoopy’s! Goal is for all children in orphanages on both sides of the island to receive a gift.))
The children helping carry supplies
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Marbles and shooters
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After visiting with the children, and since we’d gotten up so early on a vacation Saturday, it was time for “second breakfast” at Chesterfields in Philipsburg.
Basic omelet, and eggs Benny. I was not thrilled with my Benedict. Zee Best uses bacon, Yacht Club uses Canadian bacon/ham, and Chesterfields used a piece of deli meat.
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We then did our shopping in P-burg. Yay, birthday presents! Stocked up on sauces at Juggie’s. A little B.S.

There was a drum line on the Boardwalk. All was great fun until it began pouring! You can see on the YouTube link posted how the wind begins to blow and rain starts….then everyone scattered!
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Visited with Fisherman near the end of the Boardwalk. He makes THE BEST Painkillers. Fresh nutmeg grated onto the top. His kids were with him that day. Hanging out hiding from the rain, drinking Painkillers….no problem mon! We took some of his creole chicken home with us.
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Just chillin’ back at home…watching the storm pass
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Sunday, November 4
We were incredibly lazy. Never put on clothes other than a bathing suit. No shoes worn at all today. We walked down the beach to El Zafiro and spent the day there. Breakfast, and then chairs and drinks on the beach accompanied by lunch from our fridge of things we need to consume or toss before leaving in two days.
Pancakes and an egg/cheese sammich. Mimosa’s.
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Ultimate Lazy Day
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