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........We fall asleep with the windows open to the sound of waves crashing below and a cool island breeze parting the drapes.<br><br>March 14.....3:15 am <br> [censored]-a -doddle do!!!!!! Is this a bad dream? What is going on?...quickly the brain recalls similar instances on other islands..we are not alone! I had drifted into island time and vacation mode so rapidly that I had forgotten about the other island inhabitants. I laugh and close the door wall that shuts out the noisey alarm from my fowl friend. Finally back up a 7am, the rooster is still crowing and will continue to do so until after 11 am each and everyday. I quickly block out the sound while gazing from the balconey. An early morning shower now gives way to a rainbow over Sandy Cay...spectacular.<br><br> Breakfast is a continuation of the great dinner we enjoyed the night before. Sherry informs us of the days special..we settle on the pineapple pancakes. The sun is out again as unfamiliar birds begin to sing..almost in melody with the crashing waves across the street. Pelicans continue to devour their own breakfast that they have grabbed from beneath the waves.<br> We had reserved a car a few months ago and as promised, the smiling Hetz lady shows up at the appointed time. They upgrade us to 4 door- 4 wheel drive something or other..$ 145 for the two days we will drive around. A quick baggage check and off we go...we take a trip back over Zion Hill to the gas station to fill up and then down the road to Sopers Hole to the Hertz rental to report some missing items on the car. West End appears in a hectic state as a ferry has just arrived and the taxi's via for fares..the Jolly Roger is just ahead so we stop for a Red Stripe while we watch numerous yachts/cats/monohullls and every kind of vessel known to man pass by. Back up over Zion... another rain shower has made the road very slick and I now know why I need the 4 WD. Back along the North Beach Coast road we head towards CGB. The clean up crew has arrived at Bomba's while the Coco Plum's white chairs are neatly stacked across the road awaiting evening diners. Past all the places I have read about for the last 10 months.. Palms Delight, North Shore Shell Museum, Mrs. Scatliffe's..drive..speed bump ..slow down..over and over again. A funeral is taking place at the church and I can't help but wonder what kind of life the person experienced here on Tortola. Through Great Carrot Bay up the switch backs and down again and then I see the sign..Cane Garden Bay...it opens up in front of me as we descend on the flat. Like a pilgram on a crusade it beckons me. I begin to tell my wife Lois about all the places I have read about, about all the issues,from mooring balls and dingy etiquette to dumping and dancing at Quito's. We park next to Rhymers grab our stuff and hit the beach..after a stop for a Red Stripe for myself and a lemon daiquiri for Lois. Great music is coming from the bar and the girls are singing and dancing...we soak up the intense sun while a few more boats tie up to remaining mooring balls. It is Friday and the beach is deserted. With no crusie ships today ...less than 50 people occupy the soft sand. We walk up and down the beach stopping at Elm, Stanleys', Myetts. and a few make shift boutiques..including one that wants to give Lois "A one love massage"..not today thank you.. but we buy a funky hat and move on. As memory serves me correct from the TTOL crowd..Myetts' and "the chicken roti.." I indulge myself and settle back to enjoy the view. Back down to the tire swing again for another picture followed by a $ 2 dollar Red Stripe at the Elm and we are set to continue to explore this island.<br> Okay, what is so scary about this Ridge Road? Sage Mountain..I left all the snow in Detroit. Up we went out of CGB and headed for the clouds...up, up, up, up, now I know.." keep your eyes on the road and your hands to yourself". I loved it..passing a few roadside bars we finally stopped up at Mt. Sage National Park. The view was spectacular from the restaurant but the rest of the island beckoned. Back down we went ..wizzing past donkeys loaded with water bottles..most tied to trees ..standing, waiting, gazing aimlessly. Down and down we went ..turn right now left and before we knew it we were at the dreaded LIGHT! The traffic light in Roadtown ..civilization. A walk through the botanical gardens carried us back to island time but we were in need of supplies so a pit stop at the market was required. Into Riteway we went and it seemed to be filled with provisioners from charter boats and well dressed belongers. Two bottles of wine, cheese, figs and some V-8 and we headed back along the Coastal Road...leaving the civilized town in the rear view mirror. A stop at Bomba's for a few drinks and to watch the surfers. Bomba was sitting on his stool surveying the crowd. His Cadillac adorned with his many trophies parked in front. Lois did not want to contribute... Word spread that a major swell was on the way and the road was crowded..two local surfers even came via roller blades, their boards balanced on their heads. Hard to judge from shore but the breaking waves seemed to be 4 to 5 feet. One local said that by next week, they might be over 6. He was right..next week was surf was really up. <br><br> Back at the Sugar Mill we relaxed at the pool watching the lizards scury across the concrete. Lennox came by an told us about a wedding that was to take place..explaining " I have had enough weddings unless it's my own" We enjoyed the sunset from our balcony and then went down for dinner. Tonite the lamb would fall prey to my appetite while Lois enjoyed the roast tenderloin, both excellent with all the trimmings. After dinner a short walk down to Bomba's..more dancing but Lois did not elect to " earn a t-shirt " as I put it. Great crowd, good music we walked back tired to once again fall under the spell of the island..... the door wall was closed, sleep came easy...for tomorrow is another day........ to be continued... <br><br>