Yeah we're back. Checked in at The Belair. Been here for less than six hours and we're on island mode already. What a great resort. Can't wait to explore the island again. Pictures and reports to come.
Belair deserves a gold star for their remarkable recovery. We returned eight weeks ago. We were amazed by all of the work done to restore the hotel and rebuild the beach and gardens. Ask the staff to tell you their first hand stories and you will be speechless. The Belair family is all ♥
Congratz on the return! I know that you already feel at home. Please enjoy yourself and share you trip and experiences as you can.
If you are looking for a way to make a difference while you are there, let me know...I have a few causes and ideas you might contribute your time or effort to, which help in recovery for the residents. Not your typical trip.
"It is good to do nothing all day, and then to rest"
We have been vacationing at the Belair for many years (last year was 1st miss). Their staff try hard to make your stay a good one and we look forward to ending 2018 and starting 2019 at the Belair.
I am glad you are back and enjoying Belair. I visited my great friend P. Evans last April there and I am sure she is one of the reasons it recovered so quickly! Enjoy!!!
Glad you safely arrived and are enjoying the Belair. That waterfront view is lovely and I know you’ll have a great time. I hope all your preplanning worked out for you.
This is a good chance for you to try some of those Philipsburg restaurants that survived the storms and have reopened for business needing all the support they can gather. I don’t know the status of Antoine’s on Front Street these days and if you were thinking of going, I think I’d call and make sure they will have valet parking, and I do know Jean Pierre owns a lunch spot on Old Street and I also know some of the other places, Chesterfields immediately comes to mind, have reopened by now as well.
Happy Anniversary and best wishes for many, many more. 😊😊
"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them."
Have a great trip. Hopefully all of the storms have passed the region during your stay. I saw some rain on the cams so the Island should be greening up nicely for you.
We've had a wonderful day. Did a quick trip around the island. Stopped at Bruno's for a cold one and then stocked up at Super U. Wow everybody must shop after church. Busy but a fun experience seeing all the ladies in they're Sunday best, everyone say h hi to each other. Then back to the Belair for some awesome beach time. Fresh salmon for dinner.
Have a great time, enjoy every minute, every day! We were at Divi in July and our daily walk included a trek to the Belair. We didn't try Antoines but enjoyed our dinner at Chesterfields while we were there. We had not been there in years. We also enjoyed the improved/change of the menu at Divi. I'm confident you will have a great time on the Island! So confident, we just booked another trip back to Divi in late October!
Yes stopped at Bruno's. Then small pastry shop at the corner.
Took our walk this morning to Divi and back. Not a lot of sand down that way but plenty in front of Belair.
Just returned from Philipsburg did a quick walk past stores. Only bought a couple of small things then a quick bite at The Blue Bitch. So...been there, done that, and got the tshirt.
Sorry, not to be obtuse, but which Bruno's are you referring to? Are you referring to Bruno from Dreams? As far as I know, he doesn't have any restaurants open.
It's right across the street from the Marigot Market . Below is a link to a picture of their front. Really just a little hole in the wall like so many places on the island.