Are you talking about Bruno's O'Paradis Bungalows?? They are not really in Orient Village though. If so, the parking is right by the units. That area is fairly flat. Bruno's house and the villa are up top above it, up a fairly steep driveway, but the area for the bungalows is pretty flat.
Yes, Carol. Bruno's O'Paradis Bungalows. I just need to made sure there are no hills to walk up to get to the units. My husband can no longer do them. Travel is an adventure!
If you have a small car you can park it in the spaces a little ways up the steep driveway. You can then walk directly to any of the units without any hill. If you park in the 3 spots below the units you will need to walk uphill.
I "think" I am attaching a photo of the Paradise bungalows. You can see how far above street level the bungalows are. On the left-hand edge of the building is a bush, with a car behind it. That's one of the 2 parking spots that angle off the (steep) driveway. It's a tight squeeze to get a car in there, but it will indeed mean not climbing the 10 vertical feet or so. If you find yourself forced to park at street level, one of you can walk up the driveway to open the studio, and the other can climb the steps going up to and past the pool, and enter the studio via the sliding glass doors (once someone opens them from the inside). if steps are easier than walking up an incline, that may be an option.
Agree with joyfully - those spots that angle off the driveway are very tight - we just park at street level & walk up the driveway, but it is a steep walk.
Gotta Caribbean soul I can barely control and some Texas hidden here in my heart...(J.B.)
That is a good recent picture. The area where the silver car is parked is for the villa next door. In June it could be used by O'paradis renters as it was undergoing renovation. This is not usually the case. 2 cars can park in the area where the white car is. The other parking is up the driveway. Your picture does show one of the spots beside the end unit which is one of 2 large bungalows.