Yes we had a beer in there several days ago and caught up with some friends! There doing a fantastic job! We were amazed considering all the devastation around them!
It is covered and thick in the water, and I hate to say it but stinks to high heaven. The problem is CBC is closed, bugsbys is gone and they just don’t have a lot of tourists on that side, to even want to clean the beach! I think the hold up will be bugsbys since they will not be building back and is currently on the market lock stock and barrel for $11 mil.
Nothing is opening over a here that was in any way related to bugsbys. Phil is not in good healt, he has handed it all of over to his son that could care less what happens to it, has for years. Big fish is also moving, due to the fact that OBBR bought out CBC and that’s the mechanism that ran REMAX away. OBBR will probably end up owning it all eventually, but it’s going to take time!