Will be coming down for 1st time post-Irma. Depart The Moorings in AM on Friday June 15 - 23. From posts here it looks like I am in for a great trip. 2 couples with (4) 18-20 year old sons and daughters - high school graduation and sophomore Clemson Univ. celebration trip. From RT, to Norman, Cooper, Leverick, Anegada, Scrub, CGB, JVD, day stop at St John, back to RT. Can anyone help with a few planning matters:
Self-provisioning and looking for best grocery in RT for sandwich meats, cheeses, fresh produce - I'll be bringing tenderloin, meats, fish, chicken, etc. with me
Best source for delivery to boat of beer, wine, soda, spirits and water?
Is Kevin Campbell up and running for taxi from STT airport to ferry dock?
Car rentals available at Leverick and Anegada now?
Do most places on CGB, JVD, Norman, Cooper, Anegada, Marina Cay/Scrub/Trellis accept credit cards now?
Is the approach to Anegada well marked now?
Foxy's Taboo open?