I read this and thought I would share it with everyone...A poem by Liz Day
Liz Day
As the menacing storm brought devastation to all,
Our tourist attractions were left, wounded in the fall,
Residents mourn at the hopelesness of remains,
Tourist, wondering, will it ever be the same?
Tirelesly working, buisneses patch and recreate,
Loyal tourist arrive, wondering their fate,
The Willy T's reputation has spread and traveled far,
The marvaling wonder of this restaurant and floating bar,
A place for sailors and locals to gather and play,
A place where the highlights of vacations are made,
The crowd eggerly waits the hearsay never slacks,
Did i hear right? Yes! The Willy T is coming back?!!
Then the delivery of a blow, which no one forsaw,
The passing of this unreasonable, stupid law,
This 'development' that you speak of, the development that you wish,
Will. NEVER. work, if mooring balls still exist!
The island of pirate legends, the hot spot we all sail,
The pirate in all sailors will continuesly prevail,
You can spite your tourist industry, you can build your ivory walls,
But never forget this, developers, theres a William Thornton in us all.