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I'm not sure if things have changed after Irma, but I'm wondering if a 5'7" draw monohull is safe on either side (Soggy Dollar or Ivans) of White Bay in Jost? Are any of the moorings deep enough or should we plan to moor in Great Harbour and dinghy over? Been there on a cat several times but don't remember the depth. I've seen several monohulls pull in and anchor right in the middle in front of Soggy Dollar on their webcam, but I'm not sure what they draw and how safe it is.
Last edited by bkfitz; 02/05/2018 10:51 AM.
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Seems like the monohulls that attempt a white bay entry tend to have a short stay...
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Have not been there in several years but last time I was there I was on a mono with a 6 ft 9 draft. Picked up a mooring ball on the Ivan side of the bay. No problems. But I won't do it again. White bay is red lined by many charter companies. For good reason. So I suspect that may be why you are not getting any replies. Better to pick up a ball in Great Harbour and dingy or taxi over.
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I'm not sure if things have changed after Irma, but I'm wondering if a 5'7" draw monohull is safe on either side (Soggy Dollar or Ivans) of White Bay in Jost? Are any of the moorings deep enough or should we plan to moor in Great Harbour and dinghy over? Been there on a cat several times but don't remember the depth. I've seen several monohulls pull in and anchor right in the middle in front of Soggy Dollar on their webcam, but I'm not sure what they draw and how safe it is.
Thanks! I have moored and anchored monos with similar draw many times in White Bay. No problem with the depth in calm conditions. I would not overnight in White Bay as there is no margin for error if a storm pops up.
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Moored a 41ft mono on the Ivan's side overnight a few years back. Depth is fairly tight but no real issue. But as others have said...if the weather turns then there is not much margin for error. The boat was rolling quite a bit overnight, not hugely comfortable.
I wouldn't moor in there again. Its too easy to pick up a ball in Great Harbour and take the 5 minute dinghy ride round.
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Bill on Daniel Island
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I've moored in front of Ivans three times overnight over the past few years in a monohull of roughly 6 foot draft. Frankly, I was much more frightened by the people I saw dinghying back to Great Harbor after dark.
But thankful as always for the exchange of up-to-the-minute experience here. Anyone with first hand recent experience post-Irma in front of Ivan's please chime in.
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I've moored in front of Ivans three times overnight over the past few years in a monohull of roughly 6 foot draft. Frankly, I was much more frightened by the people I saw dinghying back to Great Harbor after dark.
But thankful as always for the exchange of up-to-the-minute experience here. Anyone with first hand recent experience post-Irma in front of Ivan's please chime in. You should try it again and play a little game. We will call it chicken swim through. Make sure you have a foot or two of ground swell running. Put on your mask and fins and try to swim under the keel between waves.  PS Please do not do it on one of our boats.
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I'm moored in front of Ivans right now on a powercat and there are 4 monohulls moored also.
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I agree with Capt Jay. Respect the advice and warnings of the charter companies. If it was my boat in charter, I sure wouldnt want it anchored in an area with potential keel damage.
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Thanks everyone! Sounds like Great Harbour + dinghy matches my conservative approach best 
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You know if you enjoy a nice hike you can walk up the road too. Cool view of White Bay at the top of the hill. Don't attempt it if you aren't in decent shape.
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<-  See profile pic from GH->WB road w/ sweaty brow.
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Did the walk from Great Harbor to Soggy Dollar Bar a few years ago. I did great. My wife had a bit of problem with the April sun the 10:00 am heat and the climb, BUT there were enough trees along the climb to pause and she could cool down. I just don't know if those trees are still there after Hurricane Irma and Maria. We asked the manager of SandCastles/Soggy Dollar Bar, who was filling in the morning shift for the bartender, how we could go about contacting a cab for a ride back. She gave us a ride back since she was taking customers from Sandcastles to the ferry. So yes, you can walk or cab to and from if you wish.
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Wow how'd I miss that? I mean I have taken the same damn picture... <-  See profile pic from GH->WB road w/ sweaty brow.
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Yeah it's a pretty decent view  ![[Linked Image]](
Last edited by bkfitz; 02/14/2018 09:54 AM.
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Prior to the storm, we have grabbed a ball many times. After the storm...well we will never know. Once we saw a mono with ~6.5 draft on the ball where the far right cat is in the picture above. Over night they created a well in the sand under the keel in such a way they could not motor out. I tried the dingy on the halyard trick but even that wouldn't work.
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Is it just me, or do others find it extremely rude to drag your dinghy right up in front of SDB? Also not a fan of those that tie up right out front and spoil the view from my hammock.
#parkovertheredummy #loveitafter3whenallyoudaytrippersgohome
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Yes, now I sound like the grumpy old fart!
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purplelily - I totally agree! We always leave the ding down the beach and walk up, it just seems like the polite thing to do, especially for people who want to swim in that area. But...that said, there is often a lot of entertainment on the cam from people trying to leave in those same dings after 20 painkillers!
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purplelily, it is so funny you say that. I have always thought the same when staying there. My view is being impeded!!
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For me, the most dangerous thing about mooring in white bay isn't the draft, or change of weather, or other CC Captains.. Its the pain killers! Turned the back steps of a moorings 4000 into the most painful waterslide ever after a number of #3s at Soggy`s. Spent a good 10 minutes in the water crying and groaning afterward, my mom thought I was a gonner. As always Alcohol both helped cause and lessen the damage done so thankfully just had a stiff back and a nasty bruise the next day. PS also lost $100 bill in front of Soggy's the same day  . If anybody finds it , please PM me! 
Last edited by UncleLuff; 05/11/2018 02:50 PM.
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People have been pulling up there dinghy for decades and most guest understood that before making reservations The boaters keep the beach bars and restaurants on that side of JVD profitable.
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“Thieir” “Dinghies” “Guests” “Understand”
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We also have moored in front of Ivans in White Bay, JVD.....jeanneau 36i, ( 6 ft. 4 inches draft. monohulll )....and snorkeled the mooring and visually checked the clearance from the keel to the sandy bottom. Just in the OK dept.not of clearance. This was before Irma and Maria. with Calm conditions in may.
Been sailing the BVI for 35 years, and this next trip # 17, we will be mooring at Great Harbor providing we have a NE wind and sea. SE conditions, on Jost, not good for us. No idea what Irma and Maria's pounding did to the sandy White Bay.
We enjoy White Bay, and in May, or plan is to moor in Great Harbor, and then walk over to White Bay. We are getting up there in age , but are fit and do a lot of hiking.
Regarding: Dink ride over from Great Harbor to White Bay. We elect not to do that, since over the years, till present, we have had outboard motor problems with all of the different bareboat companies, Moorings, Sunsail and Conch. Do not want to take any chances when outside on the ocean. .
I believe there are Taxi's that you can arrange , but we need a leg stretch and some exercise.
Our last few visits to White Bay, in May, lordy, the Soggy was slammed with day trippers, cruise boaters, and large crews and passengers from the catamarans. This next visit , we are going to give Hendos a try. Good reports.
Later, after about 3:30,pm, the day trip cats leave, and the Soggy should be more manageable.
That is the current plan, moor in Great Harbor, and walk over to White Bay and back......also before great harbor, we will moor off the B-line at Little Jost. . Been to Foxys Taboo at Diamond Cay, and liked it a lot, but as far as we know, the Taboo is gone. Good reports on the B-Line, and we are gonna give that plan a go.
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Taboo is "officially" re-opening on Jan. 1st.
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Taboo , re opening on jan 1st. Outstanding.
Erica really likes Diamond Cay......may the wind and seas be from the NE.
Thanks for the good news.