I prefer to share my trip report with pictures (each worth 1000 words).
Day 0 - Found a creative day to detail to boot stripe at the waterline with the crew while waiting for our last crew member to arrive in Christmas Cove.
Day 1 - White Bay...arrived in the morning and were the only boat anchored there, but not for long. Had the prime spot, too bad SDB Web Cam wasn't working.
Day 2 - Monkey Point & Scrub Island - GoPro HD down the water slide and great evening enjoying the resort. No grilling so Coconut Shrimp on board tonight!
Day 3 - Great dive on the Chikuzen, sail to Anegada and trolling off the North Drop landed us a great black fin. Nothing like fresh sushi to finish an incredible day!
Day 4 - Spring Bay, Virgin Gorda. Great dive at Monkey Point and spend the sunset at the Baths with no one else around! Doesn't get much better than that!
Day 5 - More play time at Virgin Gorda. Really felt we found an incredible beach and great spot to hang while we filled our SCUBA tanks.
Day 6 - Leverick Bay and what an evening with Nick and Monica. No pictures from the Duck and Dive, but here we are before the tattoos!
Day 7 - After a dive at Wreck Alley, night dive on the Rhone, and a beautiful overnight at Dead Man's Bay, we ran out of wind and dove the Indians. One more lionfish kill put our trip total to 7.
Day 8 - Sunset sail back to St. Thomas. Great night dive on Buck Island that included all kinds of rays, turtles, and even an octopus while diving under a full moon. We will never forget this night!
Day 9 - End of trip, but ready for Cat Fight. I may end up with an all female crew on board...I hope that mix will make Catatonic really purr!
![[Linked Image]](http://web.mac.com/dadelo/STTAug10.jpg)