Well we finally broke precedent. Breakfast was at Paradise View overlooking Orient Bay. We woke up and packed our bags, and then headed out of Orient Park, took a right onto the main road, then a left at the across from the other entrance to Orient Park and headed up to Paradise View. Donna had a fruit-cup and baguette, I had a crepe with chicken and mushrooms in a cream sauce, both of use enjoyed an incredible view on our farewell morning. Then we met up with Bruno and checked out of O Paridis, Drove down to the Royal Palm via Sandy Ground and Julianna, where we dropped off our phone with Sharon, then dropped the rental car off at Unity, where Michael then dropped us off at Juliana.
Our flight left promptly at 1:05pm and arrived on time at 5:40pm. Double flight bonuse, as I was stowing my carryon, I heard my name and standing right behind me was a co-worker who had just spent the week at La Samana. Additionally so many seats were open that Donna and I were able to have a seat open between us so no crowding in. After spending parts of the flight exchanging info about some recent changes at work and our time on island; the rest of the flight was spent finishing the last of the beach books. Clearing Immigration was a breeze, luggage showed up incredibly quickly, and customs also was a breeze. There was no one on the taxi line and we were in our home by 6:30pm. Dinner tonight was a what we've now dubbed a Bayonne LoLo... the Broadway Diner.
I hope these trip reports brought some of you some smiles. I'd like to thank Louise and David for turning us on to O Paradis along with so much else they given us since we first met 2 years ago; Bruno for his great accommodation at an even greater price, and and of course a wonderful dinner; Michael and Joseph at Unity for great wheels; Sharon for the phone; Andy and Cheryl, along with Pascal (Piazza Pascal), Sophie (Spicy) and so many others for great lunches and dinners. I also want to thank all the rest of you on TTOL for all the great information and camaraderie that always seems to make these trips so wonderful. I guess now it's my turn to be jealous of all your trip reports for another year while Donna and I wait for our return trip.